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Personal infoAbout:
AKA TypeFluke, TFluke, Truefluke. I'm a carbon-based, bisexual on #PlanetEarth 🇨🇦; Pronouns: He, Him, They; 🧏♂️ #HOH I sign #ASL & Contact/PSE; Follow #CBJ & #GoSensGo & #WeTheNorth; Owner & operator of #TSIMH ♪♫ Cat's name is Roscko. 😺 #StarWars 🌑 #StarTrek 🖖 #ClassicHorror #SciFi #Photography #ConstantReader #MusicGeek #Switch (Casual Gamer) 🎮 #Linux #Hiking #Walking #FreeWeights #BLM #Agnostic #AntiFa #NoH8 #NoBridge
Wall 40 posts
The president of CrowdStrike received the "Most Epic Fail" award at Def Con in-person #DefCon |