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@georgetakei Well, having written tests years ago, this answered the question. If the behavioral objectives were to promote more critical thinking, the answer falls short. This is just an example of what to avoid in test quality questions.


@georgetakei back when I was in middle school, the teacher told us to write a paper about "risk".

I wrote "THIS is risk" and handed in my paper.
(Everyone else wrote like 4 pages of what they thought risk meant)

The teacher flunked me 🤷🏻‍♀️

Star Alps


The kid is at its highest abode of all living beings 😂

George Takei

For all the true crime fans out there.


@georgetakei People need to stop turning the worst nightmare of other people's lives into entertainment 🤬

George Takei

We’re a long ways from a simpler time.

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Peter Amstutz

@georgetakei the aliens are like "the batteries on our mind control rays ran out after a week and we didn't even notice because people kept voting for the Aliens Blowing Up the Sun Party anyway"


@georgetakei I found the Trisolaris triolgy a bit of a stretch when I read it. Today I consider it High Fantasy.

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@georgetakei Man oh man. I feel bad for Robin, He made EVERYONE laugh, while needing the most help himself,

Jesse Miksic


Peter Pan, the Genie, Chris Nielsen, Mrs Doubtfire, Garp, Patch Adams, Alan Parrish

Comedian, Actor, Champion of the human spirit.

One of a kind, one of the greats.

Sailor Disco 🏳️‍🌈 he/they

@georgetakei when Robin Williams passed I was talking to a much younger co-worker about it and they just stared at me and asked "who’s she?"

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Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston


If only she could instantly transform it to a vapor without it passing through the liquid state.

That would be sublime.


@georgetakei don't be so hard on her.
Such a cold hearted joke..they could have let it slide..

George Takei

Please demonstrate cognitive capacity.


@georgetakei Voting on a Tuesday was always suspect to me.

George Takei

This feels like a Star Trek episode.

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Seris :veripawed: :yell:

@georgetakei dead Internet theory becoming more of a reality every day


@georgetakei en-cultured fake people experiencing "fake people" seems more like a twilight zone dystopia, actually.


@georgetakei That Voight-Kampf test of yours. Did you ever tried to take that test yourself?

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Cymphoni Fantastique

@georgetakei my heart has exploded with cuteness!!!🥰
Please reincarnate me as an adorable hat wearing sea urchin!

Pheo :blobcat:

@georgetakei a yee-haw spiky boyo, fancy boyo, viking boyo and those two boyos.

George Takei

The GOP has introduced a bill to EXPEL Palestinians from the United States. I cannot read such things without remembering what happened to my own family after Pearl Harbor. After we and 120,000 other Japanese Americans were incarcerated in prison camps for years, without charge or trial, my own mother was very nearly expelled to Japan because of racial prejudice and hatred. Only the brave actions of a civil rights attorney saved her from being sent away.

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Faux around & find out🦊🍸

@georgetakei - Welcome to the new first world reality of “White born again Nazis.”

Ed Lin

@georgetakei I'm Jewish and I find the idea of expelling people for their ethnic group repugnant as do most of my friends.

Tim Erickson, @stpaultim


I'm looking for info about this bill.

I found this:

"The legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to halt granting visas, asylum and refuge for people who have a Palestinian Authority-issued passport. The bill would revoke the entrance or visa for individuals who came to the U.S. after Oct. 1."

Is there another bill?


I'm looking for info about this bill.

I found this:

"The legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to halt granting visas, asylum and refuge for people who have a Palestinian Authority-issued passport. The bill would revoke the entrance or visa for individuals...

George Takei

A reminder as we wake up to the news of another mass shooting: One party’s members walk around Congress with AR-15 pins on their lapels. They aren’t there to help solve the gun violence crisis. They are there to help enable it.

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David Barkin


Everyone KNOWS that gun violence is caused by Social Security and Abortion... ☹️



we live in a world where the party against banning guns is the party that produces mass shooters.

Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

i think the time for debate is over.

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Paul Wermer

@georgetakei repeat after me: "There is no such thing as systemic bias or discrimination". (3 times, please)

Is an "existence disproof" a thing?


@georgetakei so who is it paying men to defend misogyny?

Johannes Ernst

@georgetakei you can’t make this up, this is just too funny. If there ever was a point …

George Takei

The Daily Beast is reporting that Elon Musk ordered engineers to switch off his Starlink satellites just as Ukraine was preparing to attack the Russian naval fleet with drones. He said he feared nuclear retaliation by Russia. It’s high time we ask the question: How much power and influence does it make sense to hand just one person?

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Eniko Fox

@georgetakei you'd think that there should maybe be consequences for single handedly undermining foreign policy like that


@georgetakei he did a similair thing to bitcoin. Whilst the two are not comparable. He causes some major geo political issues.

George Takei

This is not how to deal with climate change.

George Takei

**CALLING ALL FRIENDS, ADVOCATES, AND ACTIVISTS** A leaked e-mail from a Texas Department of Protective Safety trooper documents the remarkably cruel measures Governor Greg Abbott has instituted at the border to deter crossings. These include hidden razor wire traps, the withholding of water even in extreme heat, and orders to push migrants—including children and infants—back into the Rio Grande where they might drown. The sight of razor wire to corral innocent human beings has echoes for me personally, when similar wire surrounded the Japanese American internment camps of my youth. We cannot let Governor Greg Abbott get away with this. I'm calling on you, my friends, advocates and activists, to help put a stop to this by signing the petition demanding the Biden Administration puts an end to these inhumane practices against migrants in Texas.

**CALLING ALL FRIENDS, ADVOCATES, AND ACTIVISTS** A leaked e-mail from a Texas Department of Protective Safety trooper documents the remarkably cruel measures Governor Greg Abbott has instituted at the border to deter crossings. These include hidden razor wire traps, the withholding of water even in extreme heat, and orders to push migrants—including children and infants—back into the Rio Grande where they might drown. The sight of razor wire to corral innocent human beings has echoes for me personally,...

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