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George Takei

We’re a long ways from a simpler time.


@georgetakei also any future date movie implies the earth somehow overcame global warming. Even Star Trek missed that story line. 😮

Trojan Duck

@timo21 @georgetakei Silent Running (1972) came closest to getting this right.


@timo21 @georgetakei The Statue of Liberty is cofferdammed to protect it from rising seas in the intro to The Expanse. Nice touch.


@timo21 @georgetakei if I remember it correctly, it is mentioned as “fixed” in Discovery/Strange New Worlds thanks to a new technology or something created some years after the end of the Third World War.


@timo21 @georgetakei Star Trek has "The Eco Wars/World War III" as canon, and Star Trek human characters from every series and film seem to know about it, but don't like to talk about it, either because it disgusts or (more usually) embarrasses them.

Consider the rest of the Voyager crew's reaction when Tom Paris gets that 1930s pickup truck running, or Archer explaining fossil fuel usage in 2010 to T'Pol in Enterprise. TNG and TOS have their moments too.


@eyrea @georgetakei That's what I recall as the extent of it. It's just difficult to predict all the crap that could happen in the future - that's what timelines are for 🙂 ....Timelines cure everything ...Also, wasn't it the Xindi that destroyed part of Florida in one timeline, but with global warming, Florida should have been underwater..I guess not in that timeline.


@timo21 @georgetakei Going by the technology available in TOS, I think it's more accurate that Florida spent some time underwater and then was recovered. At the time of Enterprise, the first world countries are good, but many parts of the rest of the world are still recovering from the Eco Wars. Enterprise is still over 100 years from now.


@georgetakei Watchmen got too weird for me once the giant space squids started winning presidential primaries.

Victor Bogado

The issue here is that COVID has a high "deniability rate". Especially if you live in rural places where you don't need to see hospitals in your day to day live. And that is what bad actos could insert their denials and lies

I still believe that people can band together and help each other in calamities, when they can all see the issue at hand.

Well on the other hands the bad actors could always say that the aliens are special effects created by CIA or something. So…

The issue here is that COVID has a high "deniability rate". Especially if you live in rural places where you don't need to see hospitals in your day to day live. And that is what bad actos could insert their denials and lies

I still believe that people can band together and help each other in calamities, when they can all see the issue at hand.



Corrected plot: "...and then the far right wing took advantage of the mayhem. They even helped foster a self destructive counter movement within the left wing to help them take power"


On the contrary, I see an opportunity. They already made several versions of "War of the Worlds". They'll just make another one, but instead of the being killed by an unspecified "putrefactive and disease bacteria", they can get and try to treat it by ingesting bleach


@georgetakei Would have agreed with you until about a week ago. Then Germany collectively woke up and remembered that, oh wait, Nazis *are* bad and to be fought.


Keep in mind though, the US isn't "the world". I thought the global response overall wasn't that bad altogether.


@georgetakei it totally ruins First Contact. I wonder if the Vulcans would be like, “nope!”


@georgetakei I'm also not buying any zombie movie that doesn't have a significant number of humans fighting along side them.



I remember watching this as a teen in the 90s. Cosmic Slop. Space Traders. Aliens show up and offer to solve all our problems if we give them all our black people, no questions asked, no answers given. In retrospect, it was overly optimistic--we did far worse when COVID came.

Irenes (many)

@georgetakei no, yeah, it's a distressing observation but one that we think it's important to sit with

West Lawns

@georgetakei as someone with 3000 Sci Fi books, much of life has been predicted already.

All the best to you George

Rust Buckett

@georgetakei "The world united to... stay home and wear a paper mask when in public for a few weeks to mitigate the spread of a potentially deadly virus." Yeah. I don't see us holding hands to battle an intergalactic alien threat either.

Peter Amstutz

@georgetakei the aliens are like "the batteries on our mind control rays ran out after a week and we didn't even notice because people kept voting for the Aliens Blowing Up the Sun Party anyway"


@georgetakei I found the Trisolaris triolgy a bit of a stretch when I read it. Today I consider it High Fantasy.

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