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BROKE: Contaminating the oceans with microplastics
WOKE: Contaminating your own aquarium with microplastics



@Legit_Spaghetti @georgetakei PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) which these prints are most likely made of, is a sugar based "plastic" and does not contribute to microplastics if disposed of responsibly (properly managed landfill). But you know, humans and responsibility...not really a thing. Though I doubt people are just throwing PLA in the ocean either. Once again, the debate goes much deeper than the internet comments section. And definitely deeper than divisive internet shaming.


@theexplorographer @georgetakei I know, I've been working with PLA in a 3D-printing context for years. I was making a (dumb) joke. S'all good.


@Legit_Spaghetti @georgetakei That's on me not you. I am sometimes oblivious to sarcasm. ๐Ÿ˜‚


@Legit_Spaghetti @georgetakei Because they're 3D printed we can at least hope they're made of PLA, which... could still present a microplastic pollution problem, but is at very least *sometimes technically* compostable in very specific conditions, and it's usually made from corn, so, less fossil fuel BS and usually less chance of unreacted carcinogens leeching out?

Maybe it'd be better to make clay moulds? idk.

Jack Baty

@georgetakei It's true! And might be the only reason I can think of for buying a 3d printer. In the meantime, mine wears other coral as a hat.

Mensch, Marina

@jbaty very pretty & tres chic! Your urchin got taste - if this doesn't make it into VOGUE I'd be very disappointed !@georgetakei


@georgetakei ...and this would be why the charming indie game Stardew Valley allows the player to place tiny hats on sea urchins living in aquarium.๐Ÿ˜Š

The developer had read about this phenomenon and then proceeded to add the feature to the game.

Astrid Sawatzky

If you add alt texts to the images , I can boost them.

Dr Ro Smith

@AstridSawatzky It's less ableist to not shame people, or exclude them from the conversation, who may not find it as easy to add alt-text as you.

Paul H

@georgetakei This is the most bonkers thing I've seen today.

This week will have to be good to beat it


@georgetakei FDM 3D printed models have layer lines and microscopic gaps that can harbor bacteria. Ultimately NOT good for aquariums and definitely not good for any food or human use.


@georgetakei Print some Dickensian watch-caps so they can be 'street urchins' from Oliver Twist

Eric the Cerise


I see potential applications...

Boosted for the 3 people on the 'Verse that don't already follow either Eugen or George.

Cymphoni Fantastique

@georgetakei my heart has exploded with cuteness!!!๐Ÿฅฐ
Please reincarnate me as an adorable hat wearing sea urchin!

Pheo :blobcat:

@georgetakei a yee-haw spiky boyo, fancy boyo, viking boyo and those two boyos.

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