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“It’s in a frozen state! Like my vagina. Or so says my husband! Neither one of them is ever wet!”



Somewhere in Texas, someone will call it "State Tyranny". /s

John Breen

@georgetakei Am I allowed to bring a bottle of steam ?


@jab01701mid @georgetakei Probably would be construed as a weapon, but I like the way you think.


@georgetakei in all seriousness, I asked about taking frozen green chili on a plane and was told it was fine as long as it stayed frozen. If it thawed they would consider it liquid. So, some airport security agrees with her and her frozen water.


@Gstpulldn @georgetakei last week I saw a woman get pulled aside and they pulled a frozen bottle out of her bag that she had wrapped in aluminum foil. They let her keep it once they looked at it. Even wrapped it back up for her before putting it back in her bag.

Elon Muksis

@georgetakei Then came the tear gas and SWAT team and they killed her. Unless of course she was a white lady.


I think Sulu needs to take this sample down to the science deck, slash chemistry lab.


@georgetakei Not that it helps, but I'm with her on this one. 😋


@georgetakei I’ve taken ice in my water bottle many times without a problem. I’m told that’s allowed as long as the liquid is poured out, but I suppose a solid bottle of ice may be a gray area.

Darwin Woodka

@georgetakei how about this jar of sodium? I can take that on, right?


@georgetakei She clearly can keep a cool head, and gives crystal clear arguments for her position.


@georgetakei I went through TSA with ice many times. They are ok with it as long as it is not melting too much.



If they hold her up for long enough, they'll win.

Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston


If only she could instantly transform it to a vapor without it passing through the liquid state.

That would be sublime.


@georgetakei don't be so hard on her.
Such a cold hearted joke..they could have let it slide..

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