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28 posts total
Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Can y'all imagine what the would be like if the projects had the kind of funding to enable this scale of development?

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Like, the probably has only like a dozen or two dozen core developers, max. Everyone else is just a casual volunteer contributor.

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

So, in some fantastic news, I've just passed my initial goal of €200 in monthly donations to my Ko-Fi! πŸŽ‰

Many thanks to the 10 people who kindly donate on a monthly basis to my support my work on the fediverse. Shout out to @Daily_Twerk for being tenth subscriber who pushed me past that goal!

Next goal is €500 / month in recurring donations!

Daily TwerX βœ…

Do remember people, that is currently about $50 a week.

I don't know about the cost of living where Emelia is, but there aren't many countries where you can survive satisfactorily on that amount.

In a couple of months we are into autumn and heating bills go up. There's no sadder sight than a coder trying to keep warm and see by a single candle.

Donate now and Emelia can have two candles

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Currently only have enough money to maybe see me through to the end of month.

Please do consider becoming a sponsor of my work on fediverse software and trust & safety tooling on my Ko-Fi:

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

For context, at €20/month, I'd only need 250 people supporting me to make my work financially sustainable. At €10/month, it's 500 people.

That's really not that much to contribute on a monthly basis!

(I need net income of €3000/month, but have to factor in freelance taxes & health insurance which adds €1-2k)


@thisismissem Done! Thank you so much for everything you are doing for the fediverse ❀️

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

OH/TIL: β€œtoday is the 50th birthday of hiphop music” – @breaque

Had to double check but it absolutely is!

_jayrope :hubzilla:
@Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ» Would be great to read this on a personal website rather than a writer-exploiting closed-off media as no pun intended :)
Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Just added this edit to that article after a walk and some food. In some ways, I don't think this should need to be said, but also, I think really does need to be said.

Please don't @ me, I promise I'm not attacking you. If you do think/feel that this could be about you, maybe just quietly commit to doing better?

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Keep me working on the Fediverse!

I'll have a piece written soon that'll explain all the different things I'm working on, as a lot of it isn't necessarily visible to most people.

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

What's something that's brought you joy on the recently? Particularly instance admins and moderators?

I feel like this has been a hard week in many regards, so let's share some good things!

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Michael Stanclift

@thisismissem my documentation helped another admin get their Digital Ocean Spaces working

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

So my good thing for this week was having a kinda crazy idea and being like "what if...?" and then @trwnh and @steve (i think that's him) helping me investigate & explore this idea's viability, and it turns out it's not entirely crazy and it may actually be a very good idea.

That was nice, I learned a lot.

Also nice was getting feedback from the @Mastodon team on some work that had been in flight for a while.

Samuel Johnson

@thisismissem anything related to

I love the fact that I can subscribe to a hashtag and have a constant flow of beauty in my feed. I know next to nothing about flowers, but there's something rejuvenating about them.

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Okay, so, I've just done a review of the features in both and , thanks to @stux and @ruud

I've written up a fuller report on the IFTAS matrix, but the tl;dr is: if you care about user safety, do not deploy either of these.

They do not feature comprehensive or well built moderation tools, and you will not be able to effectively moderate instances running this software.

You are better off waiting to deploy these once they mature more.


Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

Like, if you're totally fine with not being able to effectively moderate a server you operate, then by all means, test out and , but encouraging folks to use either en-mass as if they're anywhere near the calibre of Mastodon or Pixelfed* then you're in for a very very bad time.

Alpha software does need alpha users to test and provide feedback, but we should be VERY careful recommending alpha software to mainstream massive audiences as an alternative to $centralisedPlatform.


@thisismissem I'd love to read this report! Maybe there's a reason not to share it here?

Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

What totally infuriating scammy bullshit is this!! The github user donspablo forks popular repos, adds his OWN sponsorship links all over them, then uses bots to increase his fork count to look like the official project. Definitely hope @GitHub take this shit down.

For example:

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