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Emelia πŸ‘ΈπŸ»

TIL: The maximum length of a domain name is 253 characters, and each label (`.` separated part) can only be 63 characters, and this is consistent regardless of whether you use punycode or not.


I had to point a customer at the RFC and translate it for them when they were insisting they
needed a hideously long name for their host.


@thisismissem as somebody who has managed to bounce off the default length limits for

- Windows IIS Application Pools names
- Windows IIS upload limits
- MS Active Directory Usernames
- Windows files names
- Windows IIS query strings (this one is embarassing, it's 2048 chars)
- Various length-limit crimes in SQL Server.

I take this rule as both a challenge and an insult.

@thisismissem as somebody who has managed to bounce off the default length limits for

- Windows IIS Application Pools names
- Windows IIS upload limits
- MS Active Directory Usernames
- Windows files names
- Windows IIS query strings (this one is embarassing, it's 2048 chars)
- Various length-limit crimes in SQL Server.

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