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Godot Engine :godot:

Don't do this, people. It helps no one and if anything pushes people away from our community.

#godot #godotengine

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@godotengine now, to be fair, (and this is coming from someone who spent the better part of a decade doing Unity gamedev professionally) most Unity Answers answers that don't do this are equally as unhelpful.
Every time I hit a non-trivial Unity issue and researched it, all the answers online are either:

- "buy my Asset in the Unity Asset Store, it does (almost) X"
- "oh never do X, you'll always want to do Y"
- "this is how you X:" followed by just A Lie (bonus points if it's in UnityScript)
- just a literal C# war-crime

So while I agree this isn't helpful, so precious little revolving around Unity is ๐Ÿ˜…

@godotengine now, to be fair, (and this is coming from someone who spent the better part of a decade doing Unity gamedev professionally) most Unity Answers answers that don't do this are equally as unhelpful.
Every time I hit a non-trivial Unity issue and researched it, all the answers online are either:

Godot Engine :godot:

Introducing the new #godotengine Forum ๐ŸŽ‰

For the last couple of months, our Q&A platform has been in read-only mode. Now it has been superseded by our new and more powerful forum!

@WinstonYallow wrote about it in our blog:

Godot Engine :godot:

What's this? #GodotEngine 3.6โ€ฝ

#Godot4 is all shiny and amazing, but many of you still need strong 3.x support for your released and in-dev projects.

Our contributors have started putting together a nice list of improvements, so let's have a first beta!

Godot Engine :godot:

The illustration picture is from Ivy Sly's amazing tactical, turn-based multiplayer 2D fighting game (!) Your Only Move Is HUSTLE.

Check it out on Steam!

Godot Engine :godot:

We're back from #GDC23, where @godotengine had an official booth for the first time!

It was an amazing experience, with 16+ indie games presented by their developers, tons of great discussions with visitors, talks, and an IGF award! ๐Ÿ…

Our retrospective:

Godot Engine :godot:

4 years of development.
12,000 merged pull requests.
7,000 fixed issues.
1,500 individual contributors across engine and docs.

Godot 4.0 sets sail NOW! โ›ต๏ธ

A complete overhaul. A solid foundation to build upon. #GodotEngine

Godot Engine :godot:

We've just announced that the @godotengine project will soon be moving from @conservancy (to which we are forever grateful) to its very own Godot Foundation!

That shouldn't change much in practice as we're keeping the same people, policies and goals, but this opens up some new possibilities to support #GodotEngine in the near future! #opensource #FOSS

Godot Engine :godot:

Hello #Fediverse, and welcome to all the newly arrived!

This is the official account for #GodotEngine:

We'll try to share relevant news here more frequently ("we" being mostly @akien for now).

Stay tuned for #Godot4 beta 4 sometime this week :)


@godotengine @akien I'd love to see Godot more active on Mastodon :) Could we mirror Reduz's Tweets here? Or is that done already?

Godot Engine :godot:


#GodotEngine 3.5 is finally released, and it's amazingly feature-packed!

๐Ÿงญ Navigation
๐Ÿƒ Physics interpolation
๐Ÿงƒ Better tweening
โฒ๏ธ Time singleton
๐Ÿ“œ Label3D and TextMesh
๐Ÿท๏ธ Unique node names
๐ŸŒŠ Flow containers
๐ŸŽจ Async shaders
And more!

Mircea Kitsune

@godotengine Almost forgot #Godot 3 still exists, given how excited I am about GD 4. Even so I salute the fact that important improvements are back-ported, this shows the team knows very well what it's doing.

Klampfradler ๐ŸŽธ๐Ÿšด


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