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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

it would be cool if there were a public wiki for how to lobotomize modern cars.

software to enter dealer mode to reset or disable location history,
the CAN message to disable a biometric / tracking system,
how to physically unplug the 5g radio / antenna,
remove all phone contact info

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Mallory's Musings & Mischief

@ada It'd be even cooler if manufacturers published such instructions instead of presuming the right to maintain control over something you legally purchased from them.


@ada better yet, an open source alternative to all the crappy software (and some hardware?)

Andrew Zonenberg

@ada And disable BT and wifi and every other radio. And all the "self driving" / "driver assistance" distractions. And replace all of the touchscreen controls with physical knobs.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

holy shit!!!!! a paper on autistic burnout!!!!! among other things demonstrating that it's a real phenomenon and not the same as depression or job burnout

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@ireneista I don't think I have ever broke down reading a study like this. So much of it hit home and I felt validated. The comment about not being able to enjoy Christmas was very much how I have felt over the last years while I have silently suffered.


@ireneista I'm not autistic, but there's a lot of ADHD and so many things from this paper fits to me.

Maybe there should be a broader term for that like "neurodivergent burnout", I don't know, but I'm glad someone is looking into this

lav ΘΔ

@ireneista entire results section feels like reading a play-by-play of my adulthood hahaha.. ough. :vlpn_snug_sob:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Wow, an actually good linkedin post.
I'm shocked.
Edit: just don't look at the replies to that post

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That Closted Girl :verifiedtrans: We need this in all work environments, it should be mandated by law


@wyatt8740 I love that it references cheap shitty in-office crap in the "What is NOT" - I have recently been having the kitchen in the house remodeled, which has lead to me working out of the office more frequently just to escape the construction noise. Said office being a new one that opened 2 years ago to replace an older, oversized building that our workforce used to occupy.

Today, on the end of the cube row I was sitting in, I saw a small end table with a dinky looking golf putter with some equally crappy looking balls sitting on the table next to it. It felt like a pathetically sad attempt to emulate the "playground google aesthetic" and all it made me think is "Good god, you idiots - I need a better salary, not cheap game crap at the office."

@wyatt8740 I love that it references cheap shitty in-office crap in the "What is NOT" - I have recently been having the kitchen in the house remodeled, which has lead to me working out of the office more frequently just to escape the construction noise. Said office being a new one that opened 2 years ago to replace an older, oversized building that our workforce used to occupy.

NootNoot 🍄

@wyatt8740 what gives me anxiety is not knowing that beforehand. Is there a way to detect these kind of work environments on the interview phase? The good ones I mean. :blobcatcoffee:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Reading the release notes like "Oh sweet, custom emojis! That's so cool! And it uses the Pleroma format? How convenient. And here-- WHAT ​:neofox_owo:​ "

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Закат. Я просто не могла не поделиться с вами этими облаками :owi:

#sunset #sky #clouds #photography

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

По этому случаю напоминаю про запись моего последнего доклада про privacy.

Лучший способ избежать утечек — не собирать данные. GDPR именно про это, а не про попапы.

Перестаньте собирать данные и уберите попап.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Realized something about federated WordPress blogs today, re: the different reply options on Mastodon:

If someone replies using the "Public" option, blog owner gets a WP notification to approve for posting on the blog too.

If someone replies using the "Unlisted" option, blog owner doesn't get a WP notification, reply can only be on Mastodon side.

If someone uses the "Mentioned people only" (i.e., DM) option, blog owner doesn't get a WP notification, reply isn't seen at all by blog owner.

Buffy Leigh (she/they)

So: if anyone has ever tried to DM me via the account by replying to a post there, I have never and can never see it. Those DMs simply go poof, a sacrifice to the fediverse gods or some such. I guess if you need a void to scream into, by all means DM all you want!



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