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@mono hey this is based as fuck, i love to see it. i've been using streamrip + slsk for a while and it's been a godsend, not to mention with slsk you get to share it back to others as well.


@mono interesting comment about I’m not really seeing user-written recommendations there, at least since the forums were killed off many years ago.

The problem with recommendations (and RYM, which I’m slowly getting into) is that they’re time consuming. You have to prioritize actively going there and digest everything. Spotify Discover Weekly hasn’t done me dirty the ~8 years I’ve been using it. There’s no way I would’ve found enough time to listen to all this new-to-me otherwise. (Of course, discovery through and Rate Your Music is still more efficient than going to the music store.)

Another problem is stuff that is *only* on streaming and not even available for digital DRM-free purchase. I can understand something not being on CD but this grinds my gears.

@mono interesting comment about I’m not really seeing user-written recommendations there, at least since the forums were killed off many years ago.

The problem with recommendations (and RYM, which I’m slowly getting into) is that they’re time consuming. You have to prioritize actively going there and digest everything. Spotify Discover Weekly hasn’t done me dirty the ~8 years I’ve been using it. There’s no way I would’ve found enough time to listen to all this new-to-me otherwise....

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

оказывается, одноклассники (принадлежат компании Mail.Ru Group, организация признана террористами на территории этой страницы) не умеют пользоваться Bluetooth наушниками.

вернее, разучились в одном из последних обновлений.

мда :blobcatfacepalm:


@gravitos это за что их так? за то, что аську отключили?

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

путь третьего Thinkpad начинается сегодня (с переходника PowerDelivery на квадратный зарядник)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

>This PR replaces is-number package with a one-liner with identical code. It passes all the tests (npm run test).
>This tiny change saves 440GB weekly traffic
>locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators

the discussion is a fucking comedy

>This PR replaces is-number package with a one-liner with identical code. It passes all the tests (npm run test).
Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@a1ba читаю дискуссию и молча охуеваю......

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

​:blobcat:​型のスノーボールメーカーほしい 雪の日に量産したい

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

First to propose, first to deliver: the AI Act enters into force today.

It sets comprehensive rules to address the risks of AI:

🔴 Unacceptable risk AI, such as social scoring, is banned
🟠 High-risk AI, like in medical devices, must meet strict requirements
🟡 Limited-risk AI, like chatbots, must inform users they are interacting with AI
🟢 Minimal risk AI, such as spam filters, can operate with no added obligations

Europeans can now safely seize the opportunities of AI:!t4QTc8

First to propose, first to deliver: the AI Act enters into force today.

It sets comprehensive rules to address the risks of AI:

🔴 Unacceptable risk AI, such as social scoring, is banned
🟠 High-risk AI, like in medical devices, must meet strict requirements
🟡 Limited-risk AI, like chatbots, must inform users they are interacting with AI
🟢 Minimal risk AI, such as spam filters, can operate with no added obligations

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Caleb Maclennan

@EUCommission How is spam filtering *not* social scoring ... obviously nobody familiar with even 20 year old Bayesian training much less modern infrastructure (as implemented by the likes of Gmail) had any input into this mess.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​



Ahh~↑↑↑💥💥真夏🌞🌴🏄🎇🎆🌺のJamboree〜〜〜〜‼️‼️レゲエ🇯🇲💃🙌🏻砂浜🌺🌺🏖🏖🌴🌞Big Wave🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊💥💥💥💥🐟🐬🐳🏄🏊🍍🌴🌻☀️🐚👙🍧

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
YouTube audience will rather look at 30 seconds blank screen than an ad. YouTube is fucked.
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

That is genius!


LOL, someone reported me to, err, me... The first report I have ever had!

Seems I have to clarify.

All junk calls I get, are either not legal under PECR, or actually fraudulent. I am assuming this is the nature of this call. If not, then not so funny.

I have zero sympathy for someone that works for criminals. Arguing that the only job you can get is working for criminals does not justify it. Sorry. But that is my free speech opinion.

So I won't be suspending myself.

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