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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

It seems that even those who are not interested in sports and do not follow the Olympic Games have already read about the "50-year-old Turkish man who showed up at the competition in a wrinkled T-shirt, without special equipment, and took the Olympic silver without even taking his hand out of his pocket."

"Surely, Turkey sent some kind of hitman to Paris!" social media marvels.

In the blink of an eye, Yusuf Dikec, a previously unknown figure outside professional circles, a retired gendarmerie officer and professional shooter, became a global internet meme and sensation.

Everything is great! The moral of this story could be: no matter how old you are, keep doing what you love, and your best achievements may still lie ahead, even if you are an athlete over 50!

But another nuance caught my attention.

The fact is, Yusuf Dikec did not win the Olympic silver alone. It was a team event. Shooting alongside him was his colleague Sevval Ilayda Tarhan. In the same T-shirt, in the same pose, and also with minimal equipment.

The only difference is that he is 51, and she is 24. He began professional shooting around the time she was born.

Dikec is an excellent shooter with a plethora of medals from prestigious competitions, but he had never made it to the Olympic podium until his young partner grew up and competed with him on the same team.

If we look at the individual performances of these shooters in the same discipline where they took silver as a team, we will see that Tarhan finished 7th, while Dikec only came in 13th.

Now let's trace how mass consciousness works: we simply do not notice the woman standing next to him. It does not matter who she is, how she is dressed, how she shoots, or how unique her achievement is. We only see the man in the "wrinkled T-shirt," deliberately nonchalant, and create a romantic image of a "hitman." We spread a photograph in which he is shooting alone, and the result of this shooting is 13th place! Yet, we declare that he won "silver."

Why does the logic of mass culture work this way? After all, patriarchy has long ceased to exist, feminism is unnecessary, equality has been achieved, at least in Paris 2024 for sure!

This is how patriarchal myths about great male victories are born before our eyes. These images are entrenched in culture and shape our thinking. Meanwhile, women's contributions and achievements are simply erased from history. It was like this before. Unfortunately, it still happens today.

#Paris2024 #YusufDikec #SevvalTarhan #Olympics

Translated text. Original text from Maya Guseynova

It seems that even those who are not interested in sports and do not follow the Olympic Games have already read about the "50-year-old Turkish man who showed up at the competition in a wrinkled T-shirt, without special equipment, and took the Olympic silver without even taking his hand out of his pocket."

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@saltphoenix yeah I gotta agree on both fronts: not *that* many people watch enough of the Olympics to know about this event outside the memes. She's not overlooked, someone deliberately left her out in crafting the post. And two, it's much more surprising to see a 50 year old than a woman doing well at an Olympic event.

Amandine B (She/Her)

@saltphoenix even if she has the same way of shooting, I think the memes were about his lack of equipment. She has visible ear protection. I'm not denying her invisibilization but maybe that played a part.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Hot take: бесконечные спиннеры без другой индикации процесса (лог, прогрессбар) не должны существовать

[Этот пост проспонсирован экраном «Updates are underway. Please keep your device on» крутящимся уже хрен знает сколько]

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

О блин, очнулся, показал процентный индикатор

Спасибо за оперативную реакцию, Майкрософт который меня читает <3

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

> Unlocking secret ThinkPad functionality for emulating USB devices

Спасибо больше @xairy за офигенную статью про эмуляцию USB устройств на ThinkPad! Как раз искал что-то подобное :)

Остальным любителям #thinkpad тоже советую ознакомиться

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

итого у меня сейчас четыре компьютера :)


@gravitos поздравляю ! Пора автоматизировать все работы

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

мой третий #Thinkpad в действии и отлично функционирует! ну, в пределах нормы для ноутбука, у которого нет верхней половины

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

are you fucking kidding me? really? 1) my laptop is even older, it's 17", and takes like 5 minutes to start up, im not carrying that everywhere and 2) MOST THINGS DONT HAVE FUNCTIONAL WEBSITES ANYMORE

and really, do you think i should have to afford to replace it?

there is no reason my Pixel 3, which runs apps PERFECTLY FINE, should be abandoned to the ages. it's also one of the few Pixel models that cant even be given a new OS, since no one has worked out all the model-specific issues with it.

there is no reason i shouldnt still be getting updates, and no reason i shouldnt be able to easily switch to GrapheneOS or something else.

stop calling me a bad user for being 1) poor and 2) unwilling to give in to manipulative capitalist planned obsolesence. yell at the people making these decisions. my phone is intact after six years. im proud of that and i will use this until it goes spicy pillow.

PS give us back battery replacing, SD cards, and headphone jacks

hey dont tell people "holy shit your phone is old you should get a new one, the security issues!!!!"

do you really think i am happy that my phone that ive only had for six years doesnt get security updates despite working fine?

do you think i can afford to replace it?

"well then you should get a dumb phone and use your laptop for other things"

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@rachaelspooky I honestly don't understand* how Google can just get away with making an OS that ships on millions of products that just end up not having any kind of security updates. Should've been regulated a long time ago.

* Yes I understand that the reason is Capitalism ™️

Zada Bury

It's pretty annoying the otherwise "well" hardware is "just not longer supported".

Sorry, but I not need the most new (and also often "super large") phone.
Yes, better hardware - but I was ok with the old, too.
And expensive.
And the old? Trash.

I sooo much agree with the posting!

I want to update my old mobile. Maybe also fix or replace stuff easy.
And ... if it really becomes to slow, to broken, to "whatever", THEN I might buy a new one.


@rachaelspooky I did cave and upgrade after only 2 years this last round but my last couple phones I had for 5 years each.
I just don’t care to use them that much and the security thing isn’t much of a concern since I don’t use it for work.
Posting on mastodon and watching YouTube videos doesn’t need the latest or greatest tech.

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:ball: :kotek:

@h JS should replace all languages by 2026



I was poleaxed the first time I saw the !!! javascript operator, and then researched it and learned it's actually useful in context. Fuck ECMA-script. Second worst thing in the software world, after Windows.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

<Sony> неделю назад был такой случай. пришло смс от сотрудницы: "сервера упали. приезжай."
<Sony> примчался в офис и вижу такую картину - стеллаж с серваками лежит на полу! сотруница, с невинным личиком, поясняет: "я только флешку хотела достать"
<Sony> мля, теперь, как услышу фразу "сервер упал", меня аж передёргивает...

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Chrome Mask, an extension for #firefox that spoofs it to be Chrome on detected incompatible sites, developed by a Firefox dev

Why did this take so long to exist...? lol. I feel like it should be a built in feature tbh, but at least we got this now

edit: it's not automatic! i thought it used the WebCompat crowdsourced stuff, no, it just makes spoofing a simple 1-click toggle for the user :-)


@jame while this is easier, you could use user agent spoofer and select latest chrome for ages now :) this looks more user-friendly though!

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