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kubie 🇵🇸

@ryanc omg nice find!! love this writeup, and honestly amazed how well the vendor handled it.


@ryanc I appreciate the write-up. I reckon what you got a hold of was a DERMS--Distributed Energy Resource Management System.

Terence Eden

@ryanc that's really impressive! Both you *and* them.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Tip if you have autistic friends*:

You know that thing where you're talking about wanting an orange, and they suddenly start rambling about status symbols in ancient Rome?

Info dumping is a display of trust and affection. Many autistic people have been repeatedly punished for being their true selves, often to the point of serious trauma. If they're letting you see into their very minds and sharing what they care most about, it's an act of vulnerability and trust.

Info dumping can also be because their brains are just full of stuff they've been obsessing over, and getting it out is their way of giving up what they love to make space for your conversation.

So, if you REALLY want to make their day, return the favor. Focus on their conversation instead of yours. The magic words are: "Really? Tell me more."

Just make sure you mean it. Authenticity matters. Then, sit back and enjoy a random TED lecture.

#ActuallyAutistic #neurdivergent #autism

* Disclaimer: If you've met one autistic person, you've met one autistic person. Won't apply to all, but probably to most.

Tip if you have autistic friends*:

You know that thing where you're talking about wanting an orange, and they suddenly start rambling about status symbols in ancient Rome?

Info dumping is a display of trust and affection. Many autistic people have been repeatedly punished for being their true selves, often to the point of serious trauma. If they're letting you see into their very minds and sharing what they care most about, it's an act of vulnerability and trust.

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kaiserkiwi :kiwibird:

@shadowcheets Most people usually mock me when I info dump. I'm actively working on suppressing this urge. 😕


@shadowcheets Was getting a little choked up just reading this.

Daniela 🏳️‍⚧️ :neurodiversity: :danielaboogie: i used to get told to shut up a lot cuz i would start rambling about random stuff i was interested in and it heavily made me not wanna talk about anything to people because i was always scared of being annoying

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

the nice thing about matrix is that i can write a compatibility chart of a feature between clients and not update it for three years and it’s still accurate

halva is

@j0 see? it's actually stable :neocat_woozy:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

как объяснить яндексу, что хорошей рекламы не бывает?

:neocat_scream: kittens!

@gravitos бывает, но не при капитализме

Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

@gravitos угу, а торговля обман, потому что торгаши - спекулянты и надо чтобы крестьянин сам продавал свою картошку на базаре тогда она будет дешевле ;-)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

こちらのイラストで ​:misskey:​ 用のヘッダー画像を作りました。


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Apple. Apple please. You can't use the same short flag for two different things. Apple *please*

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Asta [AMP] wait: the first -v encountered will be assumed to be verify, which is after verbose in the man page and come the fuck onnn


@misty GCC has a similar issue but it is not as bad. `-v` by itself just prints the version info. but `-v` with the normal options means verbose (which also prints the version info).


@misty They’re not actually the same character. Neither of them is a Latin letter v, they are both from different Unicode planes that happen to look like a v.

What? It’s not like the real explanation makes more sense!

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