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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

Oops, accidentially missed a deadline for @bobkonf CfP :(

Andrew Tropin

I love the organization process of EmacsConf so much. It's a real pleasure, and so much convenience. @sachac and Co contact you in advance via email and guide through all the steps: from preparing proposal/announce to recording and captioning.

#emacs #emacsconf #conference

Andrew Tropin

I came back from vacations, set my tent up and almost ready to rock :)

Andrew Tropin

I'm on vacation until Nov 13.

Will reply to all the messages after I come back :)

See you in a bit.

Andrew Tropin

I was driving the whole day, had a couple hours of sleep and woke up midnight to answer the questions for my pre-recorded talk, get the talk cancelled by faulty HDMI :)

No blame, hardware failures happens and I understand that SeaGL is primary offline event, but I would suggest to take a look at wonderfully organized EmacsConf and borrow some great parts from it (including sound checks in advance, keeping in touch with speakers before and during conference, etc).

#seagl2023 #emacsconf #linux

Andres Moreno


Will you be posting your talk? I was looking forward to it.

Andrew Tropin

@ekaitz_zarraga @janneke @efraim Have you seen (lambda calculus in 383 bytes)?

I'm wondering if it can simplify the beginning of the bootstrap chain?

Probably, it won't solve the issues with tinyCC and steps somewhere around it, but still can be an interesting bootstrap seed.

Andrius Štikonas

@abcdw @ekaitz_zarraga @janneke @efraim Unlikely to be simpler. Currently x86 bootstrap chain starts with hex0 which is far smaller, just 256 bytes. And that's including 84-byte ELF32 header and 75 bytes dealing with file I/O and exiting program. So the rest (actual hex0 algoritm) is 97 bytes and that includes two types of comments and supports both lowercase and uppercase hex numbers (supporting just one type of comment and one set of hex numbers could bring it down from 97 bytes to maybe 87)


@abcdw @ekaitz_zarraga @efraim It looks interesting...but there's a big gap between "could be" and a working solution.
Who would want to spend so much time to look into that?

Andrew Tropin

Sent my first 7a today. Lead, onsight. I'm hacking productivity beast, even day offs I take seriously 😄



@abcdw well done!

Also: What a lovely crag!

Julian Lam

@abcdw that is a very very cool looking crag. Nice send!

Zelphir Kaltstahl

@abcdw It is great to see, how not only things are stacked on top of existing things, but the Guix team also looks down the stack and looks what can be improved or bootstrapped.


@abcdw @cbaines I do hope the new guix daemon will run inside a docker daemon. IMO it will improve adoption and experimentation. the existing one does forking and you can't run it inside docker. I tried to adopt guix on foreign distro like this for CI.

Andrew Tropin

Recorded a talk for EmacsConf 2023. Now I can take a rest and send a few climbing routes in the nearest mountains.

Ramin Honary

@abcdw If only Emacs could render it this nicely.

Charles Choi 최 민수

@abcdw It is nicely rendered but also a bit stale. Looks like the docset hasn’t been updated since 2021.

Andrew Tropin

@dthompson Hi Dave!
Last time you've mentioned that when you do interactive development, you need to wrap functions with trampoline call to always get a fresh defenition of the function.

Can you share the implementation of trampoline, please?

David Wilson

@abcdw @dthompson I'm surprised this is necessary, I thought that Guile modules export "variables" that are boxes for the exported values so that they can be replaced on a new eval

Nikita Domnitskii

@abcdw @dthompson when I've played with guile http server I just wrapped handler with lambda, so it would call last version of handler function each time

Andrew Tropin

If you need to maintain an association between buffer and some long-running process in Emacs, sesman is very good for it.

It saved me a lot of boilerplate code.

P.S. The documentation is lacking, but take a look at test, CIDER, or emacs-arei.


Andrew Tropin

Recorded #seagl2023 talk. Tested Guile Tree-Sitter bindings. Reviewed a few patches for #rde and #guix.

Successfully used Arei Guile IDE for interacting with Guix APIs. Even climbed a couple routes somewhere in between. It's only a fraction of what is hapenning.

And everything was done in the middle of the turkish woods. Productive enough week I would say!

Actually, I feel a little bit overwhelmed with all the things and duties, but hope it will become a little better somewhere in January.

Andrew Tropin

Ok, now I can interactively work with Guix API from the comfort of my text editor. Hacking finally.

#guix #guile #emacs #lisp #scheme #nrepl #clojure #guilearesrs #emacsarei

Andrew Tropin

You can't just do `guix shell guix --with-input=guile=guile-next` 😔

Because graphviz-minimal fails to build.

Andrew Tropin

The actual problem I'm trying to solve for the last 3 hours is to just make it run: `guile -c "(pk (@ (gnu packages emacs) emacs-pgtk))"` without backtraces thrown in my face. However, I can't simply do it.

It was a long way, but I finally hacked everything together with simple:
guix shell guile-next guix -- guile \
-c "(pk (@ (gnu packages emacs) emacs-pgtk))"

#guix #guile

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