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456 posts total
Andrew Tropin

Share your cool xmpp group chats with me, please!

I want to try out xmpp ecosystem.

#xmpp #jabber



#Jabber is mainly used as a private communication tool by most. Public group chats are less a thing than in e.g. Matrix or Telegram, I guess.

But check out by @sjn!

Ji Fu

@abcdw the only XMPP group chat I was in was one I was told was a Christian one, it didn't take long to realize it was actually a far-right antisemitic circle jerk.

Andrew Tropin

Today I catched a very tricky bug with RDE mail setup cause of which I didn't get a few emails in my work inbox.

Now I think I got all of them, but if I still didn't respond to your message, feel free to ping me :)

#notmuch #mail #rde

Andrew Tropin

Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).
We've been stealthily present in the Fediverse behind the NGIZero handle but have now finally set up our NLnet instance. With special thanks to @nlnetlabs for their patience :).
Another way we've been involved is we've funded many fantastic ActivityPub related projects. See the image for a visual overview.

Happy to be here and looking forward to meet you in this pleasant space.


Hi Fediverse, we are NLnet. We support people and organizations who contribute to a free and open internet. We offer small and medium grants to projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data.
We're the lead of @NGIZero a coalition which runs several funding programmes for people who build free and open source technologies for the Next Generation Internet. (Made possible with financial support from the European Commission).

Andrew Tropin

I need a help with designing LDAP schema for community infrastructure project.

Are there any expirienced LDAP administrators over here? Preferably with 389ds experience.

I want to have a quick talk, but would really appreciate links to good documentation/courses/videos too.

#ldap #openldap #keycloak #389directoryserver #389ds #admin #SysAdmin #DevOps #administrator #suse #fedora #redhat

Andrew Tropin

There is so much value in the good documentation.

I really appreciate, when project provide nice, clean and helpful docs, it makes your life times easier.

I'm not very good at it ATM.

Andrew Tropin

Wanna be confused by a bit of Guile Scheme?

99% of people can't give the right answer to this question:
Why primitive-eval and compile to value work differently?

#guile #scheme


@abcdw something something lexical scopes? i have no idea how guile works and can't even find documentation for compile :P

Andrew Tropin

Wow, Framework Computer @frameworkcomputer just announced a RISC-V mainboard for their 13" laptop chassis:

This is an exciting step forward for high-quality open hardware laptops!

Andrew Tropin

Installing and configuring Podman on Guix system in 2 minutes:

Talking a bit about Containers, Docker and how it fits Guix.

#guix #podman #docker #containers #linux #DevOps

Andrew Tropin

Guix and RDE config showcase:

[dwl-guile] Elegant weapons for a more...civilized age

:guix: :emacs: :wayland: :lisp:

Kudos to screenshot author: @migalmoreno

dwl-guile and dtoa-guile authors: @engstrand and Fredrik Engstrand

and thousands of people bringing all that beatiful software to us.

P.S. This is a re-post of an old post, but the screenshot still beatiful :)

P.P.S. Link to the config

#guix #rde #guile #scheme #lisp #emacs

Andrew Tropin

Nice managed self-hosting app provider: @Pikapods


IIUC, It shares part of the revenue to authors of the project.

#selfhosted #selfhosting

Andrew Tropin

Diagram of bash initialization scripts loading order.

I spent quite some time back in the days to build similiar picture in my mind from documentation.


Andres Moreno


Thanks for sharing! I am having some #guix path issues on Fedora, so this diagram is really handy!

Andrew Tropin

Today I learned: If you don't add (require 'server) before calling (daemonp), your Emacs daemon will silently hang.

The thing I don't actually want to learn at all, ever.

It took 3 hours to debug, I found solution completely accidentially: just forgot to remove it, when was playing with (server-running-p).

#til #emacs #cursedtech


@abcdw Do you have a minimal test case to reproduce this? I don't see it with my config and emacs -Q --daemon -f daemonp and similar attempts don't hang for me either.

Andrew Tropin

Built RDE cloud image. A bare bone Guix-based system in qcow2 format with sshd, dhcp-client and cloud-init, which resizes root file system to the size of provided disk, so it can be easily deployed to VPS or local virtual machine.

Thanks to @krevedkokun and David Dashyan for working on cloud-init shepherd service.

#rde #guix #vps #cloud #qemu

Andrew Tropin
Live hacking some arcane lisp code (giving a talk) on Tbilisi Guix Meetup #1. Unexpectedly many people came to the party.

#guix #guile #scheme #lisp #meetup
Andrew Tropin

There is a conference on Live Programming. It sound like a perfect fit for sharing our results on Guile Scheme IDE, which is more than 100% about live/interactive programming in Scheme language. Moreover, this event is not too academic, so I don't need to write a full-blown paper.

The only concern is that my USA visa is expired and getting a new one can take too much time :/

My genuine thoughts: fuck those visas.

#live #scheme #lisp #repl #conference #academia

Andrew Tropin

We sneakily released Arei Guile Scheme IDE 0.9.5 a couple weeks ago. Mostly because there is not much user-visible new functionality, we just keep polishing sharp edges before 1.0 release.

To keep you updated: Yesterday I implemented extensions resolution mechanism, Nikita is cleaning up session handling on Emacs side and a couple more things left to do.

While we are getting ready for 1.0, @lil started to work on Hoot support!

#guile #scheme #lisp #ide #emacs #hoot #wasm

Andrew Tropin

Hey Guilers !

Motivated by @abcdw work on rde tests and gider, I spend time on Gunit64 : tools to fire up SRFI64 tests with Emacs key bindings thanks to Geiser.

First steps done ! Next one will be to ease installation using Guix.

Right now it is still manual : dedicated minor-mode, .dir-locals.el, Guile module…

Concret use case in the `tests` directory.

Check it out and tell me !

Don't hesitate to ping me for help or ideas!

#gnu #guix #guile #scheme #emacs #geiser

Hey Guilers !

Motivated by @abcdw work on rde tests and gider, I spend time on Gunit64 : tools to fire up SRFI64 tests with Emacs key bindings thanks to Geiser.

First steps done ! Next one will be to ease installation using Guix.

Right now it is still manual : dedicated minor-mode, .dir-locals.el, Guile module…

Andrew Tropin

@jeko I moved test-runner and related utilities to Ares:

Plan to rework it a bit and provide an Emacs interface through Arei in foreseable future.

Maybe will later move test-runner to a separate library, when we make a good guile package manager.

Andrew Tropin

I always a bit shy asking for support in general or talking about funding FOSS projects in particular, I didn't even have a direct link to support page on my site.

Today I realized that it's not ok and from now on I need to be more open and explicit on the problem of FOSS funding. I started with updating my site index page.

I genuinely grateful to all the people, who already bolster me and related projects no matter how hard it was to find a support page :)

shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

@abcdw thanks for sharing and bringing light to funding in FOSS. Do you have any non-crypto means for us to support you directly? Is Liberapay¹ an option at all?


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