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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

Nice writeup by @drewdevault on DDoS, which caused SourceHut outages, how the team tried and managed to metigate it and migration to EU datacenters:

Andrew Tropin

I have a good work-workout balance:

I do 1.5h call and go for a run to warm up my frozen fingers :)


@abcdw That's great! How long do you run each time? At what cadence?

Andrew Tropin

We got a contract for Guix consulting signed πŸ₯³. We have a team of 3 people; over the next couple of weeks, we will be setting up a Reproducible Development Environment and Reproducible Infrastructure.

This week, we have already set up Guix, Guile, and development environments (except a few deps), along with a base OS image, and have deployed Cuirass (CI) using Guix deploy.

I try to review some rde patches in parallel, but I'm too exhausted. I'm really happy on what we do, but I overwork a bit.

Andrew Tropin

Applied for Turkish residence permit. The chances to get it are very low, but if I succeed I will be able to apply for Schengen visa from here and visit conferences, meetups and other interesting events in Europe.

Andrew Tropin

@krevedkokun shared a cool thread about uki-bootloader implementation for guix, which brings alternative to grub and better encrypted root support. The solution has some drawbacks, but still very nice to see this work done!

#guix #grub #uefi #grub2 #luks


@abcdw @krevedkokun

> and it's annoying to have to enter in the root password

My patch #65002 was merged, so that is no longer necessary.

> The main drawback is lack of kernel generation rollback in the case
of a botched upgrade

Seems somewhat important caveat.

Nevertheless, it looks like an interesting approach. Not sure I will be brave enough to switch (soon) though.

Andrew Tropin

@dgr Hi Dominik! Can you share your email address, please? I prepared you a practical exercise related to luks2 notes you shared.

Andrew Tropin

@dgr Nevermind, I already have you email :) Will send a message soon.

Andrew Tropin

Have a long-standing plan to deploy a cgit to my VPS. Situation with sourcehut's network provider issues yelling at me that I need to come back to this plan :)


@abcdw funny how you, @daviwil and I think about hosting our repos/website our self or move provider.

Andrew Tropin

What a pleasure to be able to work even when the git forge is down.

#email #git #sourcehut


@abcdw oh i should ve built this in morning :)
although i do have git:send-email

Andrew Tropin

That's how I looked 17 years ago.

At this moment I already could correctly and efficiently implement all basic data structures, a lot of numeric and graph algorithms, became a nationally ranked checkers player, was cracking NTLM hashes, toying around with Mandrake Linux, Ubuntu, Debian and RHEL.

I'm 13 here, BTW.

Andrew Tropin

Will be exploring guile reflection capabilities on today's stream (in half an hour). Hope the internet connection will survive it.

#guile #scheme

Zelphir Kaltstahl

@abcdw Interesting topic! If you don't mind the question: How do you get the `=> result` behind expressions to be displayed inline in your Emacs (for Guile, or if more general for Scheme)?

Zelphir Kaltstahl

@abcdw And more Emacs questions: How did you configure ripgrep, so that you have an input at the top of a riggrep result buffer, where you can change search string and immediately get updated results below?

Andrew Tropin

The v4 of my favorite guix patch series (Decentralized substitute distribution with ERIS):

Great work @pukkamustard !

#guix #guile #scheme #nix

Andrew Tropin

Finally, I found an example of good threading and review/revision iterations! :)

#email #emacs #notmuch #git #guix

Andrew Tropin

It's really hard to find where `display` or `string-append` functions in Guile Scheme are defined.

It's 10 times harder to find it programmatically using guile code. I bet you won't implement it even in 20 lines of reasonably formatted code.

#guile #scheme

David Wilson

@abcdw many core procs will be defined in C, I don't know how useful it is to implement "go to definition" for those, if that's what you're trying to do

Andrew Tropin

Made a graphical nonrde LiveCD with linux-firmware. Even non-libre wifi and network cards should work.

Guix, Sway, Pre-configured Emacs, NetworkManager(iwd), gparted, cryptsetup, btrfs, dvorak as a second layout and much more are all inside the box.

#iso #linux #guix #rde #dvorak


@abcdw Thank you, thank you and thank YOU! For this GUIX relative noob, you've relieved a great deal of pain, especially around non-free firmware.
And...#Dvorak too! (Learning that right now.)

Andrew Tropin

Today I learned: if the scp (utility for copying files over SSH) process was interrupted, you can resume the transfer of the file(s) with rsync!

Especially handy with low-bandwidth and unstable connection.

Experimenting with almost forgotten old good stuff can have its own perks!

#TIL #scp #ssh #rsync

Efraim Flashner

Also instead of running 'wget foo' you can use 'aria2c foo', and if you get interrupted you can continue with 'aria2c -c foo'

#TIL #wget #aria2


@abcdw I use rsync with compression if the limit is bandwidth and disable compression if CPU is a limiting factor. Also great for backups, mirroring and other uses as it has a lot of handy features.

Andrew Tropin

I'm happy to annouce RDE 0.5.0 release. We are the halfway towards 1.0.0 (:

The best distribution I've ever used so far, what else can I say?)

#guix #rde #linux #sway #emacs #guile #scheme #clojure #python #ocaml #lisp


@abcdw are there screenshots of this, I’m trying to imagine the look of it? Is it just a terminal? Or are there gui elements to it? I’m curious.

Andrew Tropin

A week ago I migrated to new 2tb ssd:

It's so much pleasure that I don't need to garbage collect anything even if I build a few 2.5GB ISOs in a row and a few more things at the same time.

The migration was a breeze, because I just need to copy a few personal files, but the of my system is reproducible.

Lesson I learned during re-installation of the OS: Don't use a separate partition for /var with Guix, shepherd will break himself during the boot.

#rde #guix #guile

Efraim Flashner

What file system are you using? I know btrfs must support having /var on another subvolume since that's what the Berlin build farm does.

You should know once the store grows above about 1tb I've found running 'guix gc' slows down.

#rde #guix #guile

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