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552 posts total
Andrew Tropin

How about completions in guile-nrepl?

Drafted it in a few minutes.

But it seems I need to start working on a client as well to make it more capable (for example to show completion types like procedures, symbols, modules).

#guile #scheme #lisp #clojure


@abcdw oh nice! Might be a great candidate for conjure, the guile over stdio support we currently have isn't great.

Andrew Tropin

Me, trying to explain how guile-nrepl utilizes guile-fibers for asyncronous interruptible evaluation.

BTW, I've commited and pushed all the recent local changes. It's not ready for everyday usage, but If you are curious and want to try it out type `make server` and use an nrepl client of your choice (monroe or rail for example).

#guile #scheme #lisp #guix #emacs #rde

Bahman M.

@abcdw Very cool! And 💯 for writing a Makefile!

Bahman M.

@abcdw Since I'm quite passionate about Make and what it can do, do you mind if I submit a tiny PR RE some minor improvements to the Makefile? 😅

Andrew Tropin

Post about rde on, got a link to it in personal messages, IDK how to use it, so I will just share it :)

#rde #guix #guile #scheme #lisp #emacs

Andrew Tropin

Is it Modern Scheme REPL?
- Interruptible evaluation in remote Scheme process? ✔
- Immediately seeing stdout and stderr of remotely evaluated expression? ✔
- Readable exception messages? ✔

A couple things still bother me:
- How to intercept access to stdin (current-input-port)? Need to make custom ports?
- Evaluation happens in a fresh thread every time: 1. constantly creating new threads is not optimal 2. it doesn't allow to invoke previously saved continuation.

#guile #scheme #lisp #emacs

Is it Modern Scheme REPL?
- Interruptible evaluation in remote Scheme process? ✔
- Immediately seeing stdout and stderr of remotely evaluated expression? ✔
- Readable exception messages? ✔

A couple things still bother me:
- How to intercept access to stdin (current-input-port)? Need to make custom ports?
- Evaluation happens in a fresh thread every time: 1. constantly creating new threads is not optimal 2. it doesn't allow to invoke previously saved continuation.


@abcdw yeah it would be nice to have explicit control over which thread is performing the evaluation like guile's cooperative repl. that repl was designed to integrate into async event loops (though it uses polling whereas a more modern design would use async i/o) where the evaluation often needs to happen in a "main" thread, not the thread of the repl client.

Andrew Tropin

5 Concurrency Patterns for Guile Scheme I extracted during my recent work on asyncronous system for guile-nrepl.

#guile #scheme #fibers #ml #ocaml

Bahman M.

@abcdw Excellent topic!

Is there an accompanying article/post somewhere?

PS: For a few reasons, technical material and videos don't get along w/ each other in my brain.

Andrew Tropin

I already mentioned a good OCaml course (book + video series). I watched it every time I went by bus to climbing workout and finally finished it:

- First of all it's really good.
- I unlocked much more papers and talks I can read and watch, because I understand basic ML syntax now.
- There are a lot of fundamental language-independent programming topics covered in it.
- I found a couple of things I didn't know before.

More in my notes:

#ml #ocaml #fp #lisp #types

I already mentioned a good OCaml course (book + video series). I watched it every time I went by bus to climbing workout and finally finished it:

- First of all it's really good.
- I unlocked much more papers and talks I can read and watch, because I understand basic ML syntax now.
- There are a lot of fundamental language-independent programming topics covered in it.
- I found a couple of things I didn't know before.

Andrew Tropin

Watched a talk by @pluralistic and it resonated hard with my perception of what is happenning with social networks in particular and tech industry in general.

Wrote some shallow notes on the topic:

Kudos to him for the really good talk!


@abcdw @pluralistic back when I was at Iowa, we had great social media not only on campus and Iowa City, but out into the farms and really could have had a "Cory Doctorow" forum then, at the turn of the century. ISCA BBS was the main bulletin board, but there were others and I would suggest adding the latest version of phpBB3 to his plan. I'm setting up 4 machines now, with reverse proxies on separate machines


@abcdw @pluralistic “you tell us who you want to hear from and we’ll tell you when they say something new.” from the Jacobin article -
When done literally by rss it looks like this. You might not see some of the sources for a few days, but you see them as soon as they output an rss feed.

Andrew Tropin

Did you know that you can follow sourcehut repos via RSS?

This is how 30 hours of my work on guile-nrepl this week looks like:

#rss #lisp #guile #scheme #clojure

Andrew Tropin

Today I watched the talk on asyncronous architectures and heard the term 'two pizza team', it caught my attention, but I didn't get the reason why, I paused the talk to think a llitle and after a few seconds I realized 🙃

The explanation is here:

Andrew Tropin

Launching containers using shepherd, it's like docker-compose for your project, but on steroids!

Kudos for this cool work to rekado.

#guix #shepherd #guile #scheme #lips #docker

Andrew Tropin

codepages, cyrillic alphabet, pearls in the mouth of the corpse, unicode, ligatures, emojis, history of all that stuff and funny real-life stories along the line in one video by Dylan Beattie:

My opinionated TLDR: Plain text is a simple format is a huge (gigantic) oversimplification :)

#unix #plaintext #unicode #Ⓤⓝⓘⓒⓞⓓⓔ


'John, you're an idiot.'

Ramin Honary

@abcdw I had seen videos of Dylan Beattie giving earlier iterations of this presentation at NDC Oslo and NDC Copenhagen, I love this presentation.

I am somewhat satisfied with the world settling on ASCII and now UTF. Though UTF is quite complicated, it is less complicated than choosing between entirely different encodings based on MIME types or locale environment variables.

Andrew Tropin

You can try a GNU Hurd kernel based operating system made with Guix in your browser:

#gnu #hurd #guix #kernel #linux

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Pjotr Prins

@abcdw we are using guix system configurations to run CI etc. Running a Hurd VM is yet another mind blowing example of the power of Guix :)

Andrew Tropin

Guix for MacOS users:

It uses qemu under the hood, but it's better than complete absense of the guix :)

#guix #lisp #apple #mac #macos


@abcdw I only have an intel macbook pro, I hope I can make it run in my macbook...!

Chad Nelson :guix:

@abcdw really excited to see this getting shared around! Right now I am working through some image build issues with the qemu version, as well as trying to fix some fs corruption issues in the Apple VM Framework version. I created a project overview page on my website as well, and will be adding some documentation over time. Happy GUIX-ing!

Andrew Tropin

Bibliography in Emacs.

1. I found a Zotero guix package:

2. @goku12 mentioned emacs package, which can use zotero translators without zotero client itself!

3. There is org-capture-ref package., which is similiar to zotra, but more ad-hoc.

4. It's seems that a good solution will be to package zotra and translation-server and setup org-protocol handler for capturing bib entries from browser.

#guix #zotero #emacs #orgmode

Bibliography in Emacs.

1. I found a Zotero guix package:

2. @goku12 mentioned emacs package, which can use zotero translators without zotero client itself!

3. There is org-capture-ref package., which is similiar to zotra, but more ad-hoc.


@abcdw @goku12 For the past 20+ years I've maintained a bibliography using nothing but #Emacs #auctex & #bibtex mode on what's basically just a text (.bib) file. A short #elisp function also allows me to immediately open the document (say, pdf or djvu) corresponding to the entry, simply by entering F9 anywhere on the entry. This system has several advantages:

- Emacs's regexp-search together with reftex-citation allow for incredibly powerful and flexible searches through the database
- Any other interaction niceties more or less easily implementable through elisp code. For instance, I have a custom function that abbreviate a selected piece of text according to ISO 4 standard
- It's basically just a text file, so in particular situations one can search or modify with any text editor
- Automatically integrated with Emacs & AUCTeX when writing TeX files (in Emacs of course :) )

Of course it's a purely subjective choice, I'm not saying it's objectively better than any other. But worth considering and trying!

@abcdw @goku12 For the past 20+ years I've maintained a bibliography using nothing but #Emacs #auctex & #bibtex mode on what's basically just a text (.bib) file. A short #elisp function also allows me to immediately open the document (say, pdf or djvu) corresponding to the entry, simply by entering F9 anywhere on the entry. This system has several advantages:

Andrew Tropin

Trying to set up a bibliography and article note-taking workflow with org-roam, org-cite and citar. Looks quite hard so far.

#emacs #orgmode

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Gokul Das

@abcdw Me wondering where Zotero fits into all of this! Seriously though, Zotero is good at extracting metadata and archiving linked data. It should get a better representation in the workflow. Zotra ( looks promising.


@abcdw This might be useful to you. I talked about how I manage my bibtex bibliography with org capture and denote

David W. Body

@abcdw I haven't watched it yet, but here is a video in my queue that may or may not be useful.

Andrew Tropin

Replying to emails I got in March :/

It's a huge delay, and recent emails get more attention usually than the old ones. IDK yet how to better solve this.

I have work inbox and todo searches and mails from inbox going to todo (which is ordered from old to new and should work as a backlog), but I often keep unread messages in inbox and cause of it ignore most of the emails in todo.

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