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Andrew Tropin

@ekaitz_zarraga @janneke @efraim Have you seen (lambda calculus in 383 bytes)?

I'm wondering if it can simplify the beginning of the bootstrap chain?

Probably, it won't solve the issues with tinyCC and steps somewhere around it, but still can be an interesting bootstrap seed.

Andrius Štikonas

@abcdw @ekaitz_zarraga @janneke @efraim Unlikely to be simpler. Currently x86 bootstrap chain starts with hex0 which is far smaller, just 256 bytes. And that's including 84-byte ELF32 header and 75 bytes dealing with file I/O and exiting program. So the rest (actual hex0 algoritm) is 97 bytes and that includes two types of comments and supports both lowercase and uppercase hex numbers (supporting just one type of comment and one set of hex numbers could bring it down from 97 bytes to maybe 87)


@abcdw @ekaitz_zarraga @efraim It looks interesting...but there's a big gap between "could be" and a working solution.
Who would want to spend so much time to look into that?

Andrew Tropin

@janneke @ekaitz_zarraga @efraim Asked just of curiosity, maybe someone already evaluated this option :) It caught my attention because it looks lispy, but as @stikonas mentioned it's unlikely to simplify thing.

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