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Andrew Tropin

I get a lot of rejects in my life, but this one is one of the special ones: it's very nice and cozy and I would like to highlight it and share with you.

Be kind to people, it can be important to them.

And, also, what a good company to be among: Manolis Ragkousis, @civodul, @pjotrprins :)

#fosdem #fosdem2024

Andrew Tropin

@efraim @civodul @pjotrprins I'll try my best, but I still work on residence permit to make it possible apply for a shengen visa. As I mentioned to Pjotr in private message: I got a second passport a week ago and now, I have another option: to apply for visa from Armenia, while still able to travel, so will see how the residence and visa questions go.


@abcdw @civodul @pjotrprins Hey Andrew looking forward to seeing you in the Guix Days.

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