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12 posts total
Sammy 🐾

@amberage ohh yeah, during my worst times i slept 1-2 hours at most per day

but i still tried to spend most of the night in bed, trying to sleep even if it didn't work

and even though it felt like shit to just lie there all night, it at least gave my body the rest i needed to do the minimum to get through the days..

John Cutting

@amberage I showed this to my partner a year or so ago, and it was transformative regarding how much easier she can rest now.

Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@amberage I have found this subjectively for myself also when I'm intending to have a nap and never actually sleep but just rest for a little.

Mx Amber Alex

Seeing instances that are still on Mastodon 3.5, in some cases even less (3.1 even!!) is WILD.

Mx Amber Alex

In einem Staat, in dem Rechtsextremismus an der Tagesordnung ist, Lehrpersonal Hilferufe ans Ministerium schreibt, weil ihre Schulen voller Nazis sind, und rechtsextremer Terrorismus ungeahndet bleibt, während bundesweit hunderte Haftbefehle gegen Nazis nicht vollstreckt werden, wird eine Gruppe Linker verurteilt für Straftaten, die man ihnen nicht nachweisen kann und die teilweise noch gar nicht begangen wurden, mithilfe der Aussagen verurteilter Nazis, die weiter für die Justiz arbeiten dürfen und der Aussage eines durch die Beschuldigten geouteten Vergewaltigers, der jedes Motiv hat, aus Rache zu lügen, dessen Aussagen das Gericht aber nicht anzweifelt. Die anschließenden Solidaritätskundgebungen werden städtisch und richterlich verboten, das Verfassungsgericht weigert sich, eine Beschwerde anzunehmen, und über zehntausend schwerbewaffenete Polizisten rücken mit schwerem Kampfgerät inkl. Räumpanzern an, um trotzdem stattfindende Kundgebungen wegzuprügeln, während Journalisten von Beamten angegriffen und an ihrer Arbeit gehindert werden. Parallel stattfindenende Versammlungen von Nazi-Schlägern, die mit Wehrmachts- und Reichsflaggen anrücken, bleiben unberührt.

Deutschland, 1933?


Deutschland, 2023.

#le0306 #freelina

In einem Staat, in dem Rechtsextremismus an der Tagesordnung ist, Lehrpersonal Hilferufe ans Ministerium schreibt, weil ihre Schulen voller Nazis sind, und rechtsextremer Terrorismus ungeahndet bleibt, während bundesweit hunderte Haftbefehle gegen Nazis nicht vollstreckt werden, wird eine Gruppe Linker verurteilt für Straftaten, die man ihnen nicht nachweisen kann und die teilweise noch gar nicht begangen wurden, mithilfe der Aussagen verurteilter Nazis, die weiter für die Justiz arbeiten dürfen...

Mx Amber Alex

Die meisten Liberalen sind sich einig, dass militanter Antifaschismus in einem Rechtsstaat keinen Platz hat und Selbstjustiz verwerflich ist, der Widerstand im Dritten Reich aber Helden waren.

Theoretische Frage: wo genau ist die Linie zwischen einem Rechtsstaat, dessen Regierung Scheiße baut, die man halt akzeptieren muss, und einem faschistischen Staat, gegen den Widerstand gerechtfertigt ist? 30. Januar 1933? Früher? Später?

Mx Amber Alex

fuck LLMs (large language models). what about LLMs (loving lesbian mistresses)

agatha (not agatha)

LLMs (loving lesbian mistresses)? fuck…,,,🥺
LLMs (large language models)? what about them??

Mx Amber Alex

Screw "this meeting could have been an email".

What about "this YouTube video could have been a blog post"?

Mx Amber Alex

If I had a dollar for every "top 10" video that spanned 15 minutes and could have been a 20 second read...

In this case, #Borderlands2

Mx Amber Alex

blocking a whole domain because i'm sick of the bullshit takes and can't be arsed to bother

Mx Amber Alex

how appropriate that the clown with the "politics CW is bad, you hate activists" comes from the domain

tell me you didn't understand the fediverse... 🙄

Mx Amber Alex

first they came for black and native people, but i didn't care, because that's how it's always been and anyway we've come so far haven't we

then they came for the immigrants, but i didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange

then they came for the sex workers, but i didn't care, because it's their own fault to work that job and i mustn't be associated with that kind of people

then they came for the homeless, but i didn't care, because i like my cities clean and they could just get a job, really what's so hard about that

then they came for the pregnant, but i didn't care, because men like me can always get their girlfriends an abortion if needed

then they came for the trans people, but i didn't care, because frankly they're sort of weird and just a fad and we're just indulging them and their wacko doctors

then they came for the permanently disabled, but i didn't care, because i was in good health and they should just stay at home or eat healthier

then they came for the journalists, and i wrote an op-ed titled “first they came for the journalists”

— liberal journalists

first they came for black and native people, but i didn't care, because that's how it's always been and anyway we've come so far haven't we

then they came for the immigrants, but i didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange

then they came for the sex workers, but i didn't care, because it's their own fault to work that job and i mustn't be associated with that kind of people

Mx Amber Alex

ok this is blowing up my notifications so i'll check back later. if you follow request because of this toot, kindly send me a dm or leave a reply or something because my requests are filling up faster than i can check them.

Mx Amber Alex

If I edit this, an update will be federated to 2.500–3.000 users at once. Dear god.

Mx Amber Alex

Breaking Bad, but it's two trans people cooking HRT in the RV

Mx Amber Alex

When you reply to someone, the first word after the @ username is…

Anonymous poll


capitalised, because it's the first word of the sentence and the username is not
not capitalised, because addressing the person by their username is the first word of the sentence
what the fuck is capitalisation (see results)
22 people voted.
Voting ended 6 Sep 2022 at 10:32.
Mx Amber Alex

asking trans people "if gender isn't real, why do you want to be the other gender so bad" is like asking people "if rent shouldn't exist, why do you want rent control so badly": because we live in a society that violently enforces gender, and that makes it real. asking trans people, and only them, to pretend like gender doesn't matter, while everyone around us keeps hurting us for it, isn't fair. it's like asking tenants to not give a shit about rent while their landlord is trying to evict them.

Mx Amber Alex

i will have more elaborate thoughts on this at some point in the future right now it's in the middle of the night and this just occured to me

Mx Amber Alex

I got this in my notifications from someone I don't know, don't follow, and who seemingly hadn't tagged me - except for that "@ everyone".

I don't know what the hell this is, but if this instance truly allows to tag EVERYONE on the known Fediverse, then that's an instance block recommendation.

Oh, and the instance itself doesn't look particularly good either.


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