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Mx Amber Alex

first they came for black and native people, but i didn't care, because that's how it's always been and anyway we've come so far haven't we

then they came for the immigrants, but i didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange

then they came for the sex workers, but i didn't care, because it's their own fault to work that job and i mustn't be associated with that kind of people

then they came for the homeless, but i didn't care, because i like my cities clean and they could just get a job, really what's so hard about that

then they came for the pregnant, but i didn't care, because men like me can always get their girlfriends an abortion if needed

then they came for the trans people, but i didn't care, because frankly they're sort of weird and just a fad and we're just indulging them and their wacko doctors

then they came for the permanently disabled, but i didn't care, because i was in good health and they should just stay at home or eat healthier

then they came for the journalists, and i wrote an op-ed titled “first they came for the journalists”

— liberal journalists

Mx Amber Alex

ok this is blowing up my notifications so i'll check back later. if you follow request because of this toot, kindly send me a dm or leave a reply or something because my requests are filling up faster than i can check them.


You do know you can change your setting to simply auto accept requests right?

Mx Amber Alex

@LaNaehForaday duh. If I wanted to auto accept everyone, I wouldn't have turned on follow requests. Which you would know if you had read my pinned post as ought to be customary before follow requesting people (instead of leaving a passive-aggressive explaining mastodon to someone who's been here several times longer than you).



What in the actual fuck????

I was attempting to be helpful but I can see your head is so far up Mastodons ass that you simply feel you are above the new peons. If I wanted abuse i would have stayed on Twitter.

I don't give a rat's ass about your pinned posts. I was attempting to let you know you didn't have to be totally bogged down by something that is FUN for most normal people.

Mx Amber Alex

@LaNaehForaday well pardon me, but nothing screams "passive-aggressive" like starting with "you do know that [...]"



Yea and you can fuq the fuq right off too.

Lily, lesbian multitool

@LaNaehForaday @amberage it’s the default dipshit - people consciously turn it off.

RDS (shawphd on Twitter)

@amberage No worries! Feel free to ignore my request until you feel up to dealing with it.

magical blob

@amberage I've sent a request without noticing the account was locked, sorry >.< Still need to get used to checking the pinned toots first, too many years of being used to the :birdsite: outright hiding everything when the account was protected.

MamaBear :fuck_verify:

@amberage I am requesting to follow your account as it looks like we share some commonalities. Thank you for considering. ❤️🖤


@amberage Thanks for writing this: I've sent a follow request and I'm new to Mastodon, so I may have misunderstood some of the etiquette here? Sorry for any nuisance.


@amberage Just a dumb American who didn't realize your account was private. Still getting used to Mastodon etiquette. Appreciate anyone calling out TERFs and libs for their BS.

Mx Amber Alex

If I edit this, an update will be federated to 2.500–3.000 users at once. Dear god.

Mx Amber Alex

I'm so sorry to the three thousand people who just got an edit notification 😂 anyway thanks for everyone pointing out stuff i failed to mention


@amberage Good edits. Worth unboosting for a reboost.


@amberage ok, but adapting to be inclusive and intersectional instead of getting defensive and arguing? Fantastic. Not enough people do that online... or in general. Go you

Paul Schoonhoven 🍉

@amberage don't worry... If you have to make another edit they all will check it again, looking for what has changed. 😂😂

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