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17 posts total

I am confident that erincandescent @ is erincandescent @

but now seems like a good time to remind everyone that impersonation is easy on here, and that this would have been the perfect time for someone with bad intentions to set up erincandescent @ big-instance.tld, tell everyone that they can migrate by going to the temporary domain, which they could set up to proxy to the real server so everything looks legitimate, and collect passwords and email addresses from everyone rushing to log in and migrate ASAP

I am confident that erincandescent @ is erincandescent @

but now seems like a good time to remind everyone that impersonation is easy on here, and that this would have been the perfect time for someone with bad intentions to set up erincandescent @ big-instance.tld, tell everyone that they can migrate by going to the temporary domain, which they could set up to proxy to the real server so everything looks legitimate, and collect passwords...


keep an eye out, is what I'm trying to say


sad to report no results on e6 for the docker mascot (whose name is apparently "moby dock")


hi just got a dm from eugen mastodon, says the plural of toot is teet now


@codl well i think he can go suck on that

Liaizon Wakest

@codl confirmed boost button changed to boobs in next version


StreetComplete is looking for native speakers of Turkish, Malayalam, Amharic, Armenian, Bosnian, Nynorsk, Galician and Japanese to help maintain translations before they fall too far behind and have to be turned off


the release notes misspell nynorsk as "nyorsk" which is very funny to me because it's a mistake that I seem to make every time too

yknow, like, nyorsk :3


every now and then someone makes a post like "fedi culture is getting 8 boosts and 20 likes and going 'ohh this is doing numbers' lol lmao. numbers tiny" and like i get it but also if 20 people came up to me and said "i liked it when you said that, well done" and 8 of those people were like "can i get some copies of this so i can show it to all my friends?" id be stoked

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👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@codl My numbers here have always been much better than they ever were on Twitter! Thing I've noticed here is posts tend to circulate longer, and even once they're buried they tend to reappear more often.

Internet stranger I'd be happy with even just one person doing either of those.

Elenna, Goo Girl

@codl I actually got pretty similar interaction on Twitter as here, but with way more followers.


please stop translating applications with chat fucking gpt im going to DIE




lmfao cloudplane borrows the cloudflare error style but,

my computer has gone


sends a http request with no return address


a little secret about Stray (2022). many gamers have fallen in love with the cute animal from the videogame.. and can you blame them! who could resist! but did you know the game is based on real life? it turns out, cats are actually real!! get in touch with your local authorities to find the best locations to witness and touch cats


i'm not owned! i'm not owned!! i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into an NFT


anyone who takes pictures or videos of their pets and then posts them online for all to enjoy is a hero


maybe it is time to admit that our browsers are no longer mozilla 5.0 compatible


"People named Alice or Bob are always up to something on the Internet" is my new favourite quote


Fall damage? I'm taking summer damage over here


now that eurovision is over no one in Europe can see until same time next year


remember to caption your images for the europeans


linus... please...... we need tips about tech


Last night I was kept awake because I was thinking about how fucked it is that names have meaning on their own. Like you're just a small baby and someone who doesn't even know you yet gives you a name that means like, "strong", and already you have expectations to meet

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