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3,301 posts total

Added a video duration counter that fades away after 5 seconds!

Pushing the new release to TestFlight as we speak 🚀


René Henrich

@dansup nice release! Only needs touble-tap to like and a dark mode now


✨ Pixelfed App Updates

- Fixed photo aspect ratios
- Fixed video aspect ratios
- Simplified video player
- Videos stop playing when not in view
- Videos are muted by default (but do not autoplay)
- Video mute/unmute btn fades after 5 seconds

Edit: Now available via TestFlight!

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@dansup no autoplay feels kinda unnatural imo


@dansup Love it, you guys are doing a great job!

Doctor Popular

@dansup this post mentions videos a few times, but I don't have the option to add videos from within the app. It hides all my videos and only allows me to upload still images.


Wow, almost 5000 people are testing the #pixelfedApp!

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wakest ⁂

@dansup wow thats awesome! congratulations dan that must feel good

Michael Mrak

@dansup the #iOS app is an amazing piece of software. Works like a charm for me. Version (7) looks nearly featurecomplete for me as a use. Great work, thank You!


@dansup aber wo ist der Link dazu? Ich glaube ich hatte das mal und dann war da so wenig Speicher


New @pixelfed iOS build will be out later today with:

✨ In-app registration
✨ Improved onboarding
✨ Feature Tour
✨ Bug fixes

Join the TestFlight beta:

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Christoph Miksche

@dansup @pixelfed Any news about importing posts from Instagram?

Would love to move if the import works (again)

El Duderino

@dansup Please forgive the total noob question here, but how does one register for a account? I'm super intrigued and downloaded the Testflight beta but not sure what to do next. Thanks!


@dansup @pixelfed thanks for all what you do and looking forward to an Android client. The mobile web works great also btw.


Brrr, the low for tomorrow is -39° C

It hit 45° C last summer!

Just another day in northern Canada 😅


Updated my bio with my full name, a better description of @pixelfed and finally added #fedi22 and submitted myself to the directory

I really need to improve the directory, it has a lot of potential! #fediverseDirectory #fediverseInfo

Jon Henshaw :coywolf:

@dansup @pixelfed so will we be switching to #Fedi23 in January? Is the hashtag intentionally year based or could we switch to an evergreen tag like #FediDir


Shoutout to all the #activityPub developers that are dealing with this huge influx of people!

I have the unique privilege of running the only non-mastodon instance ( among the top 20 most popular #fediverse instances.

Doing my best to keep it running smoothly, and also ship bug fixes, new features and the mobile apps 😅

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thank you and all the fedi people making a home for us to connect 🖖🏽

E. Chang

Seriously, all of you #Fediverse #Developers and #InstanceAdmins have been absolutely amazing with the influx of people over the last month or so. Kudos to all of you, thank you, and keep up the great effort!


I closed new registrations on but you can find an invite link on our discord! #pixelfed

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Laura Cochran

@dansup I am a photographer on Mastodon. If I put hashtag pixelfed on my posts (toots) will it cross post there? I am new to all of this and appreciate your help.

Mitex Leo

@dansup has been removed from Official Directory 🥺... Love you 🖤

Vincent 🌻

@dansup Yikes, starting a #PixelFed profile was on my holidays to-do list… oh, well 🤷‍♂️


Admin Invites are ready to ship, the new web Compose UI is almost ready too!

Simpler onboarding, discovery and post creation across web and mobile platforms are my priority.

One more thing, I designed a beautiful new landing page with a public feed to highlight local content without having to log in/register.

Shipping soon 🚀 #pixelfed


Spent this evening working on media (S3) storage improvements.

Now to finish up admin invites, next up will be a new landing page design with an optional public feed so you can browse :pixelfed: servers without having to register! #pixeldev

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@dansup thank you! the public feed is very important. Also it would be great to have the short description on the front page and a customizable icon (maybe as a second icon in case you want to stay on brand)


@dansup great work! I cross follow myself on and pixelfed is starting to pick my posts with images in them quite nicely.

Snapai :verified_dragon:


YES the public feed!
I've been having such a hard time finding artists (drawn media) on pixelfed because everything is so hidden on other instances of it! .....or because they're not there. But I'm assuming I just don't know where to look.


lmao I don't remember writing this, but it true

MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@dansup :blobcatgiggle: I don't mind a meme on the pixelfed account


"Are you ready to be liberated
On this sad side city street?
Well, the birds have been freed from their cages
I got freedom and my youth" #np #fediplay #distillers #fediverse


I thought it was a funny picture 🙄

Don't worry Allen, I will use a different picture so you don't have sexualized thoughts about a dog lol

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@dansup I too immediately wanted to fuck this dog upon seeing it in a wig with eyebrows drawn on. 🤨 Totally normal thought to have about a dog.


Twitter right now is on fire.

This jackass is the best thing to happen to the fediverse, imagine spending 44 billion dollars on an ad campaign for your competitors 😂

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@dansup More like Dumpster 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


@dansup Their new policy is interesting. I guess they're ok with pixelfed.

@dansup I actually use Twitter now more often, since it’s not a completely one-sided argument all the time. Now BOTH sides can look equally stupid in a debate.


It's been a crazy few weeks for Pixelfed, and I love it!

I received some very good news earlier today, just waiting for confirmation before I can share it 😁

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@dansup when will the Pixelfed app display more than just ‘most popular’ in the explore feed? I’m sure it been requested but I’m curious if it’s actively in the works.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

You've been hired by Twitter to improve their user experience and reputation? 😈🤬😝

(ps. this is how most horrible rumors start...)


✨ Pixelfed Admin Invites

Admins will soon be able to generate invite links that bypass open registration settings!

- Add custom message
- Set # of uses
- Set expiry date
- Skip email verification
- Better onboarding UX

Shipping soon! 🚀 #pixelfed


10 years ago today I joined Twitter

6 years ago I joined Mastodon

4 years ago I started @pixelfed

What a wild journey, looking forward to the next 10 years on the #fediverse 🚀


💫 Tumblr x Fediverse

The reason I think an instance as large as Tumblr is detrimental to the fediverse is due to federation.

It only takes one interaction with tumblr for it to send Delete activities to every instance it knows, regardless of size.

You may not realize how often posts are deleted & federated at Mastodon scale, Tumblr would be 50-100x that.

This is just Delete activities, ingesting new tumblr posts + media at this scale is a whole other ball game #fediverse

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echo ✨

@dansup i mean, the idea is definitely doing throttling to avoid DOSing other instances. that's something that's absolutely been considered.


@dansup with this being the case, is the fediverse capable of becoming mainstream? If so, what must be in place for it to maintain a huge user base?

In #Flancia we'll meet

@dansup I say: [[fork]] the [[Federation]], then try to [[merge]] it back, with good intent and loving kindness

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