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What the hecc @Gargron, I'm trying to upload a screencast of new Pixelfed features but it keeps failing.

It's a 12.3 MB MOV, mastodon also excessively crops videos on my resolution, please fix this!

Eugen Rochko

@dansup 2K resolution videos produce a noticeable lag in web browsers, regardless of actual file size. 2K or 4K is obviously no problem when you have one video playing on a page, but Mastodon renders a thousand pictures/videos on a page, and has to dynamically downscale them to the thumbnail size.

In Mastodon's master branch, which is not yet a stable release, I have adopted this video dimensions limit verbatim from Twitter. Suggestions are welcome


Watching Tiger King and having some snacks! 😁

Eugen Rochko

@dansup Are those the things that Walter Bishop likes in Fringe


This is my hero

The world could use more Phil Dunphy's


Google re-enters the social media space with a Vine/TikTok/Byte clone called Tangi.


PSA Mailgun lowers free-tier API from 10k to 625 emails per month effective March 1st

Eugen Rochko

@dansup I think Mailgun stopped having a free tier for new users a year or two ago, no?


Pixelfed Circles are like group chats, you can build a Circle of close friends, family or anyone and share posts only visible to them.

It will federate with Pixelfed instances and other supported projects!

Eugen Rochko

@dansup It's not like group chats at all because the people in your circle might not have the same circle


Good Morning! :blobcatcoffee:

It's so cold here that vehicles are overheating because the antifreeze is frozen.

Some places in Alberta will reach -50, and are among the coldest places on earth ❄️


Reflecting on my 2 years on the fediverse, I've said some dumb shit I regret, had falling outs with people I respect and haven't lived up to the expectations of everyone.

This year I'll be working on myself, and if I've let you down, I'm sorry.

maloki 🍵

@dansup it may be valuable to actually reflect on specific instances where you know people felt let down on you, and let people know what behavior you're looking to change in the future.

It's always a process, and there's always opportunity for growth.

Trevor Meier

@dansup Takes a lot of courage to apologize in public. Thanks for all you do!


Little did I know when I posted this that I would come out as gay a few months later and meet the love of my life.

So many changes that year, all of them good!

Safe to say, I'm proud of my growth as a person and as a member of the fediverse.

Still wish I could go back and not burn bridges, but all I can do is strive to be a better human and I'll keep on keeping on ❤️


An academic paper about social networks misspelled Mastodon, Pleroma and Pixelfed lol

dansup says trans rights


Sadly that sticker is no longer with us, I put it on my cars back window and it didn't survive these crazy winters

Pour one out for the homie 🍺


twitter will embrace decentralization just like they did with 3rd party developers.


I never would have anticipated that @pixelfed would have grown to what it is today.

This shoutout from Cambodia made me tear up, I'm so happy that I can make a difference in the fediverse!

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Simeon Nedkov

@pixelfed @dansup Good job! Making other people happy with your skills is the best!

John Weeks :mastodon:

@dansup @pixelfed Good times. Did this Fediverse talk in Phnom Penh, big tech meetings are _slowly_ starting to come back after Pando time. For sure there'll be more sharing to come. :)


I do not give Pleroma permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to Pleroma it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law. Pleroma does not have permission to my share photos or messages.


This but for meta 🤣 jokes aside I’m eagerly awaiting their entry to the fediverse with caution.

Let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst, but most of all, let’s not forget we’re all in this together and we all want the same thing more or less, freedom and control over our social presence ❤️

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