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Might add a 30 day delay to process account deletes in case the person changes their mind.

You would be surprised by how many people reach out and want to un-delete their account, despite the huge warnings.

This would still hide their account, but not actually delete it for 30 days, and allow them to login and cancel the scheduled deletion.


Skoop (Stefan Koopmanschap)

@dansup I'd make that the default option but also allow for immediate deletes if people really want it.

Pēteris Krišjānis

@dansup yes, this, multiple times. People regret deleting accounts all the time.


@dansup good idea, but I’d love to see a “instantly delete me anyway option” as well

Chris [list of emoji]


Facebook does something like this, but (IIRC) for a year. The problem is that they'll automatically autovivify your account if you accidentally log in again.

So if you do something like this, I'd suggest that you require the user to explicitly press a button or something to re-enable the account and/or reset the countdown. Otherwise, it looks skeezy.

But yeah, it sounds like a good idea to me.


@dansup Definitely think privacy protections are necessary, ala GDPR. An instant data deletion as well as 30 day delay is nice.


@dansup how about bundling account deletion with some sort of data export? That way folks that come to regret deleting their account can recover it themselves. And they still immediately accomplish what they set out to do: remove their data from the server.

Not sure about the performance impact of that though.

Sean C.

@dansup choice is always a good idea -- especially on this sort of thing


@dansup can u add a slot for crypto address for tips?

Bill Burbage

If someone requests their data to be deleted but you don't, does that open you up for trouble? I don't know how other apps handle it so I'm just asking. Maybe a way around that would be a note or some type of small print


@dansup Yeah this seems like a good idea, I think adding an option like selecting between the deletion being immediate and the 30 day cooldown period would also help as users would have more choice as to which way they'd prefer it.

One more thing- contacting the user after their account has been deleted, just making things more convenient

Enguerran/Daniel Petitfils

@dansup you could maybe add a section to specify in how many days the data will be permanently deleted, with a default option at 30 days but overall the user can choose 0, 7, 14 or 30 days.

I am not even sure the 0 day should be there, this can be risky if a user account is hacked and leaves no time for the user to react.

Jason Anton

@dansup I wouldn't. You're giving people the freedom to choose what they want you to do with their personal information. That freedom also means they're free to fail and make mistakes like deleting unintentionally. If you keep it for those 30 days you're accepting responsibility for it during that time. You gotta do what you think is best, but I wouldn't keep it.

Григорий Клюшников

This makes sense. Also the confirmation should make you enter the username of your account so that you are sure you're deleting the right account.

Alan Miller :verified_paw:

@dansup if you're doing this, maybe don't call it just "Delete" - call it "Suspend then Delete" so there's never confusion.

Might also make it multi stage - states of 'suspended pending delete', 'lazy delete' during which content can be actually removed in the backend as convenient, 'deleted' with all identifiable data removed but possibly internal IDs remain as placeholders for consistency checks if needed.

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