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2,617 posts total

Good Morning!

Discovered a spammer had sent hundreds of DMs on to local users.

Since we filter out DMs from accounts you don't follow, no notifications were sent and impacted very few users.

#pixelfed #pixeldev #spam


FediDB now displays #NodeInfo info, software version and more stats if available.

More updates coming this weekend!

Григорий Клюшников

Those numbers counting up for 2 seconds are a bit annoying tbh


Upcoming Instagram changes warn users to accept activity tracking to "Help keep Instagram free of charge" 🙄 #deleteInstagram

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Bradley :smugcat:

@dansup The way that's phrased is pretty wild.

"Please let us continue to track everything you're doing on your phone."

I really need to find a decent Pixelfed instance ASAP.


@dansup i ALWAYS want my ads to be personalized to me! Always looking for more insecurities for capitalism to project onto me 😌😌


You can now opt-out on FediDB!

This will prevent your instance from being crawled or searchable on #FediDB.


Got a m1 macbook air a few weeks ago, my 2015 mbp was really starting to show its age.

This is much faster 😁

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@dansup Was thinking of getting the m1 Imac. did they boost the ram cause that's lagging my Logic pro and plugins

Григорий Клюшников

2015? Showing its age? Lol. I have a 2012 pro. It's okayish, except when you need to build something big. Still looking forward to whatever comes out this year. More ports? NO TOUCH BAR?!?!


🎵 "I’m going nowhere…if you’ve got the time" 🎶

I could listen to this song on repeat all day ❤️ #np #kingsOfLeon

Stephen Hinton

@dansup just listened to it, great song! Thanks for the suggestion.


The spam detection system works great, over 1600 posts have been caught and prevented from appearing on timelines (on!

Sometimes the spammer will appeal, which means they are adapting to our new measures 😄 #pixelfed #pixeldev #spam


This is the cofounder of FediDB, his name is Tuk and he is working on finding the email bug. #cat #catsOfMastodon #developerCat

Atridad Lahiji

@dansup got him mid bleep!

I noticed one thing only at the top of the page on Firefox for iOS. The nav seems transparent?


I feel bad that I wasn't able to launch with more #activityPub projects on FediDB.

Kind of tedious to locate all the metadata we use, maybe I should crowdsource this data to make it easier to add new projects to the section 🤔

In [[Flancia]] we'll meet

@dansup this looks great, nice to meet you!

I've been searching for such an index of software plus communities/connectivity.

Mike Macgirvin
Had a look a day or two ago and was going to search for the repository and see if I could help out in that respect, but it appears to be proprietary (?).

I'll just mention in passing that I was struck by the extraordinary emphasis of the fedidb site on things that are "popular" and now I notice this emphasis on popularity extends even into the data structures. Since I'm not a Kardashian and don't represent Facebook or Twitter I think I'll just let it pass. This isn't criticism. We just have very different motivations and target audiences.
Had a look a day or two ago and was going to search for the repository and see if I could help out in that respect, but it appears to be proprietary (?).

I'll just mention in passing that I was struck by the extraordinary emphasis of the fedidb site on things that are "popular" and now I notice this emphasis on popularity extends even into the data structures. Since I'm not a Kardashian and don't...

I'll be migrating #FediDB to a larger server tonight after work.

Thanks for being patient, hope to send out another wave of confirmation emails tonight!

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@dansup Hey there! Is the account creation manually activated? I tried creating an account and I never received an email, so I can't actually use FediDB! I'd like to use it to help get a better handle on things for Little Library before I move on to bigger projects.

Arjen P. de Vries Timmers 🕊️

@dansup I don't see how I can sign up, it doesn't seem to process what I enter


The cat likes our new place, we’ll be spending our first night here 😁 #justMoved #cat


@dansup to me that face says, "what have you done humom"


We moved into our new place today!

Our cat hid in a kitchen cupboard for most of the day, won't take him long to get used to the new place

🐙 André 🐙

@dansup Have a great time in your new home. 🏠


Sorry that #FediDB has been delayed, I'm moving on Monday and its been a bit hectic.

I don't have an ETA for launch, I'm hoping I can get it done this weekend 😅

P.S - Here is a sneak peak of how the software pages will look!


Discovering and exploring fediverse projects and instances on the network page is really cool.

I want to make #FediDB useful for everyone!


Wow, who honestly thought this would be a good idea? 🙄 #burgerKing

Eugen Rochko

@dansup Orchestrate controversy with a plausible excuse and get people to post screenshots of Burger King everywhere


Really excited for FediDB, its something I wish existed when I started Pixelfed.

I hope it helps bring fediverse developers closer together and encourages greater compatibility across implementations!

#fedidb #activitypub #federation #communityResources

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