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2,617 posts total

Good Morning :blobcatcoffee:

FundOSS is matching OpenCollective donations for #Pixelfed today, please donate if you can! 😁


Added Rules to pixelfed like mastodon has, not for mobile apps but for #fediDB.

My goal is to eventually use FediDB for #pixelfed's instance picker, and every other listed project will have one too!

I have big plans for FediDB aside from ActivityPub testing 😉

spla :senyera: :vim:

@dansup hey there, v0.11.0 does not have horizon's link for some reason?


I might not be the best person to give advice on #activityPub development, but I do think experienced AP devs should be doing more to help mentor new projects and developers for the sake of the #fediverse.

I'll never forget the times that @Gargron boosted my early Pixelfed posts, but I feel like we're not in that era anymore.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, or be intimidated by follower counts.

We all started something from nothing, and the real ones don't let ego define them 😉

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@dansup @Gargron

Right on! In addition I feel that #SocialHub community - where #fediverse technologists come together to evolve the open standards - is the best place to direct such questions to.

Better than toot threads, which are fleety and easily missed, the community forum is best for long-form discussion and serves as knowledgebase + archive.

Best-practice IMHO: Always point people to SocialHub -->

Another easy thing to do is tag the @activitypub #guppe group.

@dansup @Gargron

Right on! In addition I feel that #SocialHub community - where #fediverse technologists come together to evolve the open standards - is the best place to direct such questions to.

Better than toot threads, which are fleety and easily missed, the community forum is best for long-form discussion and serves as knowledgebase + archive.


"Thank you for listening
Thank you for never leaving me
It's gon' be okay
It's gon' be okay
I promise you
I promise you"

#theVoid #kidCudi


This song means a lot to me.

It helped me through a pretty difficult stage of my life and I still get emotional towards the end.

"It's going to be okay, I promise you."

Never give up.


My province is slated to re-open without any restrictions by the end of the month if 70% of the population is vaccinated!!

Can't wait 😁 #getVaccinated

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Andrew Abernathy

@dansup I’m sure some like the trending posts in their timeline and it drives engagement, but it makes getting to older posts indirect, and makes me feel like I don’t have control of my timeline. (The fact that this trending list is often similar or identical means that this both messes up my curated timeline, and mostly fails to increase discovery after the first time.)

I do like the indication that I’m caught up. Maybe instead of a link for older posts, have a link for seeing trending posts?


I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since I came out.

I met the man of my dreams, we moved in together and even though he doesn’t like my Netflix choices, I feel so happy.

Super grateful the fediverse has helped me accept who I am and supported me when I really needed it. Y’all are amazing ❤️ #pride #prideMonth


I feel incredibly blessed that Pixelfed has grown so much over the past year.

Total users, posts and active users have doubled, and our project is among the top 5 most popular.

Though we haven’t had our viral moment like Mastodon or PeerTube, I’m confident that when we do, we’ll be ready.

I look forward to the next 3 years and beyond! 😁 #pixelfed #activityPub #Fediverse

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@dansup And that's without a native app. I think that with its release the growth rate will be different


Asked some friends to use Pixelfed, they didn't know who to follow.

Empty timelines is not good for onboarding or new user experience.

Adding Suggested Posts to an empty timeline will encourage users to discover and engage with content without having to follow someone.

#pixelfed #pixeldev #discovery #activityPub #ui #ux

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Григорий Клюшников

The classic "you signed up, now what" problem. Will address that in Smithereen at some point too.

Adrian McEwen

@dansup good to see this getting added. Much as I despise the continual "you might know X" interruptions from Instagram, etc. the encouragement to follow more people and explore is a side-effect I'd like more of over here (and with *my* interests at heart, rather than those of some manager's "engagement metrics" 🙂 )

Am I right in thinking Pixelfed will federate with Mastodon, etc. as it's all ActivityPub?


@dansup It should be obverse that we should always push account that and small to medium in following. We should not push big accounts in auto fallowing code. Basic stuff.


The new Home Timeline will keep track of what posts you've seen to show you posts you haven't seen.

When you reach the end, you can browse Suggested Posts or View Older Posts!

#pixelfed #timeline #pixeldev #ux

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@dansup If in the above section, you implemented a slider with people who may be interested, instead of the states of the people I follow like instagram (I prefer people to follow) ... it would be better


Improved the Network section on #fediDB, you can now filter by open registration and instance rules (Mastodon + Pixelfed only)!

What other filters would you like to see? #activityPub #fediverse

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@dansup that looks very useful! This is meant to be constructive feedback, sorry that it came so long...

-looks unclear if "6m ago" means 6 minutes or 6 months
-show new statuses in last 30 days
-show active users in last 30 days
-order by number of new statuses / active users
-change number of results per page (up to 100, that's what I'd use) or infinite scroll
-combined filter by domain + software, e.g.
-not sure if it's meant to be found by your tool and automatically indexed, I couldn't find the Peertube instance on

@dansup that looks very useful! This is meant to be constructive feedback, sorry that it came so long...

-looks unclear if "6m ago" means 6 minutes or 6 months
-show new statuses in last 30 days
-show active users in last 30 days
-order by number of new statuses / active users
-change number of results per page (up to 100, that's what I'd use) or infinite scroll
-combined filter by domain + software, e.g.
-not sure if it's meant to be found by your tool and...


Details, rules & stats are now available on supported instances!


More updates coming this weekend. #fediDB #activitypub #fediverse

Liaizon Wakest

@dansup what version does mastodon have to be running to get the rules listed? also how does an instance get listed? this instance (personal one with just me) doesn't show up


Just got my first COVID-19 vaccination! #pfizer

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@dansup congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of 5G reception :P

Make sure not to sleep on that arm, I made that mistake and regretted it for the whole day ;)

Christiaan :fedora: :flag_nl:

@dansup you look younger then, yet you've had your first shot already? In which country do you live? 🤔


Ton of #FediDB updates to deploy later today 😁

(I will also be open sourcing it today)


@dansup It's been too long since I've listened to Kings of Leon. My mom used to play them a lot. They kinda have meaning to me from that, but of course, each song has its own meaning to me as well. I ought to give them a listen sometime again.


Good Morning! Got my first vaccination appointment booked for this Friday 😁

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