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Spent tonight refactoring the @pixelfed login UI

I wasted more time than I'd like to admit trying to work around chrome auto-fill to focus the input (and style it) only to discover that it's not possible because its a security risk πŸ˜‘

Anyways, this is my 3rd login refactor and it will be shipping despite the slight UX "bug" of Chrome requiring user input or interaction for auto-fill

And don't worry, this will also work with password managers πŸ˜… #pixelfed

EighthLayer | Jamie

@dansup @pixelfed Out of curiosity, what’s the purpose of websites asking for just an email first, rather than asking for email and password at the same time? I’ve noticed it more and more recently.


Login v2 vs v3 design

The v2 design was more bold and distracting, I decided to start from scratch using a similar layout to the existing design for v3 to keep the focus on the intent/action

v3 uses animations and loading indicators when applicable and is overall a better UX IMO

Password resets and 2FA is also much better in v3


Also, I'd like to point out that @pixelfed went from someone registering to:

- Founding the SocialHub forum (

- Co-founding LitePub spec

- Pioneering bearcaps + ActivityPub (for Stories)

- Founding

- Founding

We had a slow start, but now we're pioneering new features and services that benefit all #fediverse users and projects!



I’d like to think the fediverse is more supportive of new projects and developers now

I admit I set a high bar of expectations when I set my sights on building a federated instagram, a platform with 10x more active users than Twitter

You do have to be a little crazy to think you can take on Instagram, and while it may seem like @pixelfed isn’t, just wait until the apps are released

Mastodon opened the door for @pixelfed to be the mainstream platform for everyone, just like twitter did πŸ˜‰

Jessie Chatham Spencer

@dansup I just signed up for pixelfed, it looks really nice πŸ‘Œ

Ross Manley

@dansup @pixelfed I was happy to move / import my IG archive over to #pixelfed and can’t wait for other updates coming down the line. Well done!


One of the main reasons that @pixelfed became a joke of the fediverse in the early days is due to my decision to delay federation support to focus on safety and moderation tools.

I admit I did announce a few release dates, only to miss them, we eventually shipped federation support on Dec 25th, 2018 (6 months after initial release)

Someone even registered, I wasn't bothered though, looking back I made the right decision!

Wendell Bell

@dansup @pixelfed Well, the least you could have done was to buy that domain from 'someone' with the zillions you gained after the IPO


@dansup @pixelfed how did you handle testing federation support while still delaying it--I'd assume you had a dedicated federation branch? Also, were you able to do extensive testing on safety and moderation features during that time?


When I first announced @pixelfed, I had to deal with a lot of criticism

We became a joke of the fediverse, we were the underdog, few people believed in me back then

I used all the criticism and hate as motivation to strive for perfection

✨ Just look at us now, the person who said these things is now a good friend

Never give up!

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Chris Drumgoole

@dansup @pixelfed The world is full of useless complainers. Keep up the great work!! πŸ’ͺ


@dansup @pixelfed crazy how that’s the same attitude now being displayed for Threads.


Got tickets for Oppenheimer and Barbie for Saturday, I haven't seen two movies in theaters on the same day since Clockstoppers and Jurassic Park (I think?) years ago!

Everyone wants to see Barbie, only 1 person wants to see Oppenheimer and thats the one I'm most looking forward to seeing.

Christopher Brown

@dansup My daughter and a friend are doing the same.

I may open my wallet for the 70mm Oppenheimer experience.


Have you noticed the new @pixelfed app is more responsive and faster?

Plenty more performance improvements are coming, along with some pretty neat features and user requests!

Something you want to see in our official app? Let me know ⬇️

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@dansup @pixelfed I’d love a way to turn off haptic feedback. It always gives me a little fright haha

Andrew Abernathy

@dansup For iOS: I’d like to be able to upload multiple photos at once, please.

Also, the photo picker isn’t showing my shared albums. (I’m usually organizing photos on one device and adding some of them to a shared album before later posting them from a different device. So I have to go into the Photos app and download the desired photos into my device library before I can access them in Pixelfed.)


@dansup @pixelfed I haven’t noticed because I don’t have the app. I don’t have the app because it’s not released yet 🀷


Boosts/shares and hashtag follows are next πŸ‘€

Pink Pants

@dansup boosts gonna be a game changer! So excited


I mean, I'm probably overreacting as every mastodon 3rd party service or app has the same token, but I'm paranoid about trust and privacy.

The last thing I want is for someone to trust a Pixelfed server only for the admin to take advantage of the trust and read their DMs for example.

Even though I trust our admins and believe none of them would do that, just the possibility makes me uneasy.

Jason ON


The possibility of that should make everyone uneasy.


@dansup If you don't trust the admin, you shouldn't use the service. Pixelfed is open source, meaning any admin can modify the code to request more permissions and save all tokens.


I don't want to start some mass panic about Sign-in with Mastodon, but I figure it's best you hear it from me first.

It was developed in only 12 days and has some rough edges, but transparency is pivotal to trust IMO so that is why I'm letting y'all know.

I will fix the Mastodon token issue with revocation later today and make an announcement

Thank you for supporting me and my weird ass ways, and pushing me to be ethical & transparent, it's my pleasure to provide a good home for your pixels!


Context: When you Sign-in with Mastodon, the Pixelfed server has a copy of your Masto token and *could* use it to read account info, but they cannot post or do any other actions. This will be fixed soon

Celinho :catjam:

@dansup I'm already using. Because it's open source and you provide the community, I trust you.


Oh, one more thing about Sign-in with Mastodon

I plan to update the code to revoke the oauth token immediately after logging in so it can't be used by admins to access your account.

The whole web works on trust, but I figure its worth mentioning that when you use Sign-in with Mastodon, the Pixelfed server you're doing this on will have a copy of your Mastodon token. If you don't trust this, then hold off until I ship this!

Everything will be publicly auditable as it's open source ✨

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@dansup is there a way to change the default instances that appear on the sign in with mastodon screen? So I put my own instance others for example.

Dirk Haun

@dansup Hmm, so a malicious admin could remove the code for revocation and keep the token? Is that an attack vector? πŸ€”


@dansup Is that token limited to the minimum scope necessary to prove account ownership? Or does it grant full impersonation?


Don't mind my reminiscing lol

Mastodon used to allow ?max_id=0 pagination on profiles so you could see your oldest posts first but they switched to SPA and it doesn't work anymore, but you can still do it via the API

Maybe I should make a lil web based Mastodon service that allows you to view your oldest posts, if I do it will be open source and easily self-hostable


Oh my gosh, the newest #pixelfedApp build has a bug in one of the most important features, composing a new post.

The bug?

A fucking typo.

So sorry about this, will be pushing a new build shortly.

Edit: Fix has been shipped, the APK sha256 is 2f1efe5a7202cc7d102223197e29c0278532977b7e205e9f82888e4ab989c1c4

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@dansup that's why you never publish to 'production'... Good thing it's beta state so never mind and keep up your good work!!!!!!


Woot woot, shipped the new #pixelfedApp builds and fixed a few Sign-in with Mastodon issues and a ton of smaller things.

Love these productive Mondays/Tuesdays, going to wind down and get catch some z's

Stay iconic fedi ✌️


It's quite the process to ship new @pixelfed app builds

I'm trying to use the same build # for both iOS and Android, so I have to update the build # in the Android Updates page, and that was fine until a few builds ago when they got out of sync because I shipped an iOS build and skipped the android build.

Ugh, I'm obsessing over shit like this that doesn't really matter, but I promise we'll get on a solid path, despite my perfectionism πŸ˜…

I'm Kerro

@dansup @pixelfed Remember the art of the compassionate mind, Daniel. Go easy on yourself. You haven't slept have you?

Carl Heath

@dansup @pixelfed your doing a great job and service, just as it is.


Good news! I'm about to ship the updated @pixelfed app builds!

Stay tuned fam ✨


It’s almost 5:30am and I work in a few hours, but I’m trying to ship the new app builds here shortly πŸ˜…

So much to do, why is sleep a dependency??

Nico Jensen :fcsp2:

@dansup Its 1:30 PM you don't need to sleep yet you still have 10 hours until bedtime ;)


I’ve been brainstorming a few ways @pixelfed can improve on in regards to abuse and moderation.

I have a lot of privilege and have rarely experienced abuse myself, so I will need our communities feedback and ideas on how we can improve this.

Let me know your feedback and ideas on how Pixelfed can become a safer platform for everyone, and thanks in advance!

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@dansup @pixelfed fine, i will write another blog on this topic, but it will wait until tomorrow

Gary Parker

@dansup @pixelfed are you asking the community to give you more abuse? πŸ˜‚


Speaking about @pixelfed apps, besides the official one you all know and love, I've been working on two smaller apps that will compliment our main app.

I don't want to spoil the surprise, so just know they are game changing and unlike anything that exists in the fediverse today πŸ˜‰

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