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Edit: It's live!

The new @pixelfed for Android build is being compiled and will be available soon on!

#androidLust #pixelfedForAndroid

Григорий Клюшников

The status bar is black icons on black background

Григорий Клюшников

dansup, home timeline but it's actually on all screens. It feels like you forgot to set flags for your window so it doesn't extend behind the status bar. Try something like getActivity().getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(getActivity().getDecorView().getSystemUiVisibility() | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE);
Also check that you are handling the window insets correctly if you override fitSystemWindows and/or onApplyWindowInsets.


@grishka This is a react native app lol, I see the problem, system light mode combined with in-app light mode.

Go to Settings -> App Settings and toggle Dark mode for a temporary solution, I will work on a fix

Janik Ramírez
@dansup @pixelfed Where will the app be available? F-droid? Play store?
Phil Gastwirth :imagination:

How come not in f-droid or play store so it can be easy to update for users?


@PhilGastwirth @dansup @pixelfed it's still in beta. But there's an auto updater in the app itself.

Phil Gastwirth :imagination:

Should I be able to login with my mastodon account? I thought I saw that as a feature. Or do I have to create a new account. I'm thinking new account, cause I don't know how this server would know my credentials


@PhilGastwirth I just re-enabled signups. I'm on the latest release so you should be able to sign in with Mastodon.

Phil Gastwirth :imagination:

OK I signed up and I'm in. Created a new account. Thanks!


@dansup @pixelfed hey congrats and thanks for years of dev work!!!

talou ⏚🍉𓂆

I'd like to know if other android users can login with the app. For me, nothing pops up while selecting my server (, even with the new version. And if I insist a couple of time, it crashes the system.

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