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40 posts total

Looks like the storm very nearly took out our electricity last night.


This was posted to an audiophile FB group I'm in for work and it's triggered everyone.

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Matti Minkkinen

@oppen The audiophile subculture would be such an interesting topic to study. It probably has been studied in terms of cultural history quite a bit.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

Since this is going to be a "how should you HiFi" discussion, I'll leave some thoughts:
- the late 90s were the best time to buy great HiFi equipment. By then, the industry had adapted to the much better sounding CD format and produces good and great components. With the advent of digital, even portable formats and players, the market for really good equipment stagnated and shrank, leading to good stuff getting expensive and affordable stuff becoming mediocre to bad.


Ynys Llanddwyn, my favourite place. It was too far for the tired kids to walk to so I left them with S on Newborough beach and headed off alone. There was only time for a quick circuit and I still got cut off by the tide and had to wade back across. Third time I've been and it felt as special as the first.


@oppen Lovely sand-duney coastal reeds and grasses here.


Seems simple: nuts, sugar and cinnamon, but the trick is to never stop moving them in the pan, not even for a few seconds, or some will burn. Add sugar in batches, once some has already caramelised the fresh sugar grains stick to the nuts more easily. #theGalley


My only New Years resolution is to spend more time relaxing in POV-Ray


I'm going through old photos and images in Jottacloud, and every time I come across a POV-Ray render it sparks joy.


RIP Andre Braugher, I remember as a teen with a little CRT TV in my room staying up later than I was supposed to to watch Homicide: Life on the Street. Standard TV tropes now, but I'd never seen anything like it then.


He was a great actor and that was a great character.


I love the quiet still the snow brings. Millions of slowly falling flakes absorbing every background noise. I'm not going to enjoy being snowed-in tomorrow though, and having to walk the weans to school.


Elmet Brae EB01 The Land Compilation is live:

Mirrored on Bandcamp by @neauoire or a simple FLAC download via itch. @bd and @rostiger have done a great job with the mastering and artwork and the music is a fantastic collection - thanks to everyone who contributed.

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@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger
Thank you for this.

I look forward to hearing the contributions.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger thanks for organizing this! (and mastering!) really well done. i'm excited to have my work on it. i'm on my second full listen to the compilation already today and really enjoying it.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger A few tracks in and it's all really tasty so far -- thanks to everyone involved!


Elmet Brae update: everyone now messaged, and 90% of people have responded so I'm going to move onto sequencing the tracks and designing a webpage and a free release page on or something.

People who recently followed because I played some music to mushrooms, this is the project:


Final call for Elmet Brae 'The Land' ambient/soundscape/noise submissions:

It's 1pm here, so 11 hours to go before the cut-off. 25 entries so far.


Final call for submissions to this community ambient/noise/soundscape compilation:

Will extend it to the end of the month as @bd boosted the previous call and there was a flurry of new interest, so there's still a week to submit. We're at 12 tracks so far so don't miss out.


Email if you have submitted but you're not on the screenshot below - our server's been dropping DMs.


@oppen @bd oh damn, i got to do something for this, the theme is right up my alley

Devine Lu Linvega

@oppen @bd so glad you've extended the deadline. Just got back home, I'm reserving my week to make my entry!


Streaming music is ridiculous really isn't it, conceptually I mean, it's absurd, and the environmental impact at scale is huge. I've installed Minim Server on all my daily computers, you don't need a dedicated box on the network. Just look at the glorious website:


Previously I had Minim on a dedicated home server (in the form of a Pi 4), the subtle difference this time round is having it on my work and personal laptops, downloading to the Music folder, and using VLC on my phone. It's turned a painful experience into something really low effort and low friction.


My biggest regret in life is not naming my son 'Merlin'. There's another lad in his nursery with the name, obviously has cooler parents. I've always hated my own name, maybe I should become Merlin.


We got food at the pub today, sat outside, and when the rain came down finally after a hot week everyone cheered.


Hey Fedi, saw this, thought of you.


@oppen <insert me and all my little gay friends running through a field with Molotov's to throw at cops across the street>


Look how round and friendly it is, no sharp edges.


@oppen verging on overuse for me personally – it's a good word!


Intro animation and audio ident. Should probably have 'orllewin' on-screen too. The black screen on start tells me my preloading needs work.


actually I can just invert the intro colours and leave the pre-load as-is for now :eccehomo:

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