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40 posts total

The new Black Mirror coins the term 'quam-puta' for quantum computer, in case you needed a reason to watch it.


I've just realised these #Playdate waveforms/types include three Pocket Operator synths, Teenage Engineering also referenced in playdate.sound.synth:setParameter: "the TE synths each have two parameters that change some quality of the sound"


I can tell how slow my internet is by the fact that the other mods beat me to suspend this spam from when I'm literally at my computer coding when the reports come in. Anyway, are having a bad time with bot spam again.


Sorry about the spam from, someone needs to wake up Ganon before everyone defederates the instance.


@oppen that was weird to log in and see crypto nonsense in a dm. I wonder what we can do to prevent that from known servers.

Daniel Bohrer

@oppen this is like those time when the Guy Fawkes masks were in hype and every company jumped onto the bandwagon


Latest issue arrived yesterday. Well done @ritualdust and all the contributors, another fantastic collection. The dot-to-dot from 100r was a nice surprise, and the tracing paper inserts look beautiful.


This is a breathe of fresh air, from 2022 but a colleague just posted it, jaded cynics like me will love it:

Gaston Rampersad

@oppen less than 10 minutes in and I’m just nodding along in agreement with every word. Thanks for sharing.

Garth Kidd

“We have played us for absolute fools.”
— my “Stop Doing Math” re-framing “Silver Bullet Syndrome”

Hadi Hariri takes us through every programming fad since around 1996 and its cost, which the next fad almost solved—at more cost. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Hadi kept reminding me of @neauoire’ wonderful “Weathering Software Winter” talk, in which they describe their pursuit of the reverse process.

Via @oppen, whose takes are literally sublime.

“We have played us for absolute fools.”
— my “Stop Doing Math” re-framing “Silver Bullet Syndrome”

Hadi Hariri takes us through every programming fad since around 1996 and its cost, which the next fad almost solved—at more cost. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Putting the youngest to bed and coding while he's asleep next to me. I've written a nice list component that let's you easily browse a lot of data, shuffling rows up and down the screen intuitively. No audio in the gif obviously but the samples play as you select them. I'm adding the ability to record your own samples too, which can be used seriously but I thought my kids would find it funny to record nonsense and sequence it. #playdate #theWorkshop


Tape Looper 2 is almost finished. The ui is done, I just need to replace the bitcrusher with something that can increase the gain of the sample instead, recording from mic is fairly quiet and I was struggling a bit with levels. Occasionally I get in a mess with the input handlers too. #playdate


Brought the kids the long way home from school because it was a beautiful evening and I wanted to see it from the tops. #yorkshire


I've just release Field Recorder for #playdate on Itch:

More details:

A simple app but it's quite slick. Will do more on it soon. Pictured here with very nice day job headphones.


Tape Looper is launched if anyone wants it, each sale will buy me a pint of beer for the rare occasions I get some child-free time:

#playdate #theWorkshop


Claimed an hour for myself because my wife's heading out with some of the other mums tonight and the kids are ON ONE.

Anyway, here's 'Tape Looper', I just want to add a couple more features before releasing it on #theWorkshop #playdate

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Here's the recording ui, top bar shows relative input level for the current recording (against max input for the session), bottom bar is the system input level (0.0 to 1.0):


Why make any progress on one project when you can start a new one every few hours?

Devine Lu Linvega

@oppen holy shit this is such a good idea 🤯 okay, I want this, are you going to put it up on itchio?


This may or may not turn into a full game. I abandoned the last one I started.



I woke up despondent and batted away all the suggestions my poor wife gave me until she said “Blackstone Edge" which is somewhere we'd been meaning to explore but never got around to. So I packed a bag and took the car for a solo walk with the destination of the Aiggin Stone, an old waymarker by a Roman road up on the moor.

Squarepusher came on during the drive here and all of a sudden I'm happy again:


We all live day-to-day with a cosy fiction of some sort, a narrative of who we are. That's why when we're made redundant, lose a loved one, or have a sudden relationship breakdown, it's so scary. That safe illusion vanishes and we're naked again. It's not necessary a bad thing, these things really do often lead to better times, but that unexpected loss of safety is where the danger is.


British toilet graffiti is a cultural marvel

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