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This was posted to an audiophile FB group I'm in for work and it's triggered everyone.

Daniel M Karlsson

@oppen Yes, I see now that this is a true statement.


@oppen I don’t think we need gold-plated connectors to be certain there can be no lies detected here.


@Sevoris @oppen Gold platet is fine. The magic starts with copper casted at full moon by a priest.


@1000millimeter @Sevoris @oppen Copper has too much resistivity. It needs to be silver. They CAN hear the difference, really they can.


@oppen the funny thing is that they can't hear the difference anyway, they just think they can.


@naught101 to be fair one poster did say it's worth spending money up to a point then the finishing returns kick in.

IoT is the grey goo

@oppen @naught101 @codinghorror Most #Infosec people remind me of audiophiles. They are both communities that have made great strides in one narrow area (speakers, encryption) and then tried to apply that exact same process to all the adjacent areas (cables & amps, threat models & operating systems).

What you end up with is some kind of tragic performative art that has enough kernels of truth in it to keep perpetuating.

Jeff Atwood

@tasket @oppen @naught101 It's all about having your cables properly electron tuned.

IoT is the grey goo

@codinghorror Don't forget the tube amps. You gotta have more than just tuned electrons, you need to shoot them out of cathode guns as well.


@tasket @codinghorror

I mean, tube amps do look cool.

Also they are good for distortion (not something you want as an audiophile, presumably)

Hr. Seyner-Selbst

@naught101 @codinghorror @tasket Nobody needs a beautiful design when Class-A can heat the living room ;)

IoT is the grey goo

@codinghorror OTOH, I would welcome a return of the audiophile dominance of 25ya in exchange for the gaming-rig-overclocker subculture (which eventually fed into the cryptomining movement) becoming an obscure oddity. Audiophiles are harmless by comparison.


@naught101 @oppen I don't think they know what they're listening to, even. I read one hifi review where they described the Chemical Brothers as 'clean minimal electronica' or some such. They use more distortion and limiting than Led Zeppelin ever did!


@nske @oppen maybe they have it turned all the way down?


@oppen yes, but what is the best sounding toslink cable?

Marco :arch:

@Weedkiller @oppen a telecommunication engineer dies every time this question is made ⚰️ 😁

David Rush. M.Eng. ✅

@Weedkiller @oppen The ones with gold plated ends and oxygen free plastic fiber


@sudo200 @oppen I’ve heard the uranium enriched ones are add warmth to the soundstage

TomatoGrilledCheese :saitama:

@oppen He's not wrong. It seems insane unless you've done this.

The Skeptic's Book of Lists

@oppen While I'm not an audiophile, I do test headphones with Beethoven's 7th and The Who's Won't Get Fooled Again.


@skepticsbookoflists was chatting to some colleagues last week about this, now I've got a fairly decent low to mid-range setup at home I understand why audiophiles come to the listening room at work and play old prog rock, if I play some Caravan or other Canterbury scene band it really shows off the sound


@skepticsbookoflists @oppen
This has a very strong "I'm not a racist, but...." vibe 😆😉

Gerard van Oel

@oppen @Eetschrijver An audiophile is someone who has 27 speakers and one test-record.


@oppen my brain just said "art collectors don't use their money to appreciate your art, they use your art to appreciate their money" and now I can't un-think it

Dan Hedley

@oppen So true. Never met an audiophile who actually likes music.

David Gerard

@oppen i remember his earnest interview begging audiophiles to fix the room first


I remember a picture of superdupermegaexpensive speakers, huge ones, with ultrateramega amps in a tiny glass greenhouse ( it wasn't a joke, the bloke thought it was OK).

@davidgerard @oppen

Peter Jakobs ⛵

@oppen @padeluun how dare this Alan Parson person! Does he even have a decent turntable? Does he have 000AWG speaker cables? Does he have good power conditioning equipment? 🤭


@pjakobs @oppen @padeluun I used to know an audiophile who claimed all musicians had crap appreciation of good audio gear.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

@eyrea @oppen @padeluun I'm sure he is not the only one with that mindset.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

@eyrea @oppen @padeluun btw, I was wondering if I should have said he or she is not alone, now I wonder - has anyone ever encountered a female audiophool?


@eyrea @pjakobs @oppen I once worked with an audiophile who had set up a recording studio because all the records on the market had poor recording quality. He was truly insane ;)

William Pietri

@SuperMoosie That one is such a heartbreaker. There but for the grace of god go I. @oppen


@oppen I remember shopping for speakers with my sister once (way back when that was a thing you did) and two stereo bros laughed at us when they heard my sister say that a pair of speakers was too ugly to put in her room and I knew immediately that these guys would never, ever have a girlfriend.



I heard this exact statement from a salesperson in just such a store. He had stopped buying expensive stuff.



not sure if this is true

for decades, starting maybe in 1960s, this guy had a standing offer of US $10,000 (a lot of money back then) to anyone who could, in a blind test, show there stereo system outperformed a 2,000 dollar system, which at the time was reasonable hi end

Howard Chu @ Symas

@oppen I saw the truth of this firsthand, when my brother brought me along to visit his friend's audiophile shop and "auditioned" my band's new CD on various gear there.

Brian Dear


Completely true. Also, too many fancy houses with fancy home theaters seem to have been built to show off the theatre and the stadium seating and the big sound and the slick lighting and the laser projection and the tell is always the screen: small, dinky, surrounded by cosmetic wall coverings. The least important thing is the movie for these folks, lol! For example:


@brianstorms @oppen omg that sectional. Half the audience will walk out with frozen shoulders.


@oppen This is such an interesting insight, useful far beyond the audio example. Much of consumption seems unrelated to actual enjoyment of music or art or nature, or the company other people.

Packbats, creative

@oppen Doing a bit of DuckDuckGo-ing, we found out that this isn't actually a quote from Alan Parsons. This Boing Boing article about an Alan Parsons interview cites it correctly - it's actually a quip by Slashdot user Tackhead.

Julia Rez



Tackhead in the area!

</remarkably niche industrial dub/funk reference>


@Packbat @oppen This is what happens if you get AI to generate your memes.

(Or, y'know… people)


@Packbat @oppen "All the quotes on the internet are real." -- Genghis Khan


@Packbat @oppen btw reminds me of the quip:

"If he wrote ten sonnets he really loves her, if he wrote 300 he really loves sonnets."

Mick Collins

@oppen I work in a record store and goddamn if it ain't The Truth. Dudes come in and drop $300 on some hard-to-get Mobile Fidelity record and when you ask them what they thought of it, they wanna talk about their speaker cables, or the wood plank their turntable sits on, or some other arcane shit that has nothing to do with the music. I just bought FIVE (5!) MoFi copies of "Highway 61 Revisited" off a guy because "they're not quiet enough". WTF is he listening to???


@oppen Most recorded media isn't that good to warrant a huge expense for equipment to play it on.


@trainman @oppen This reminds me of the guy who tried to tell me an EP I played him "wasn't very well produced" -- AFTER I'd told him it was recorded live, in a basement club, on a four-track.

Which is, of course, part of the fun of listening to it.

Matthew So true and it's hard to figure out if any of the Hi-Fi product are just overpriced or a decent price. It's so annoying seeing audiophiles/Home Theater YouTube's videos showing expensive equipment and not enough for people like me who are on a budget and don't have that much money to cash on the "high-end"


@oppen It's totally true, especially if you test codecs

David Preston

@oppen lols, at a certain point I suppose it becomes true.

Strange Culprits

@oppen If Parsons actually said this, it's classic. Also, the quote isn't wrong...


@oppen I can see why. 🤣 (Alan is right, though.)


@oppen Get the “Casino Royale” soundtrack out.


@oppen it may be true in a sense, but after audiophiles listen to their equip long enough and choose what meakes them happier than others, they will just settle in and start listening to music until their set up rots or breaks in some way.

Peter Czanik

@oppen Yeah. One of the many reasons I do not like to call myself an #audiophile or a CD collector 😉 I love #music and I only buy CDs I know I'll listen to. And I'm pretty much aware the law of diminishing returns: If I wanted a new hifi with audible improvement, that would cost almost a year worth of salary for me. I am happy with my current setup, which is a fraction of that price 😜

Dr. Mastodonocologist

Ok, fair enough, but if someone can tell me how to keep the local radio station from broadcasting into my turntable, I would really appreciate not having "Kars for Kids" in the quiet parts of King Crimson.


This unexpectedly blew up. Sorry if I don't reply to everyone, if I hadn't muted the thread I'd have had over 1000 notifications by now. New followers: prepare to be disappointed.

Bricky (alt)
@oppen I've seen this many times and I can tell you it's the absolute truth.




@oppen hilarious! Directed towards McIntosh owners and their kind.



Alan Parsons didn’t say this; a commenter on Slashdot on a post about Alan Parsons said it:

The Slashdot post links to an Alan Parsons interview in which he says nothing like this.


@jsit I'm not sure that matters, it was a shitpost someone posted to an audiophile group, it's funnier that it's not legit.


@oppen it doesn’t matter for the joke, no

Eric Baumgartner

@oppen Reminds me of this post about how hobbies can be broken into a matrix based on whether you like the hobby or the gear, and whether you like doing it or just discussing it.

Trevor Bramble

I appreciate the more neutral spin I've seen on this quote, that audiophiles listen to their equipment and music fans listen to the music. Both approaches are valid.


@oppen Yet another musical genius who contributed to this masterpiece album. #DSOTM

Rob van Kan

@oppen My brother, an audiophile, responded: "Audiophiles don't listen to Alan Parsons." To which I replied: "Exactly. They listen to their equipment."

Dave Collins

@oppen Douglas Adam once said ...
”I think a nerd is a person who uses the telephone to talk to other people about telephones. And a computer nerd therefore is somebody who uses a computer in order to use a computer. ”



I don't. Transparent sounding reached for as far I need. So I can't hear the equipment. If I hear it it's a failure.


Absolutely true, and in the news recently too.

JoYo :clippy:

@oppen if you're not listening to it in the original 10w practice amp then you're not experiencing the musician's original mixing.



He's sort of right. I used good source material to NOT listen to my equipment. 😂

Matti Minkkinen

@oppen The audiophile subculture would be such an interesting topic to study. It probably has been studied in terms of cultural history quite a bit.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

Since this is going to be a "how should you HiFi" discussion, I'll leave some thoughts:
- the late 90s were the best time to buy great HiFi equipment. By then, the industry had adapted to the much better sounding CD format and produces good and great components. With the advent of digital, even portable formats and players, the market for really good equipment stagnated and shrank, leading to good stuff getting expensive and affordable stuff becoming mediocre to bad.

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