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IoT is the grey goo

@codinghorror Don't forget the tube amps. You gotta have more than just tuned electrons, you need to shoot them out of cathode guns as well.


@tasket @codinghorror

I mean, tube amps do look cool.

Also they are good for distortion (not something you want as an audiophile, presumably)

Hr. Seyner-Selbst

@naught101 @codinghorror @tasket Nobody needs a beautiful design when Class-A can heat the living room ;)

IoT is the grey goo

@codinghorror OTOH, I would welcome a return of the audiophile dominance of 25ya in exchange for the gaming-rig-overclocker subculture (which eventually fed into the cryptomining movement) becoming an obscure oddity. Audiophiles are harmless by comparison.

Gemma 👽

@codinghorror @tasket @oppen @naught101
Pfft... If you don't have the cables isolated from the floor on wooden blocks then it doesn't matter how demagnetized and aligned electrons you have. There's no 3 second rule on the floor. If your tuned electrons are just in the near vicinity of a floor, it's all for naught.

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