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Peter Jakobs ⛵

Since this is going to be a "how should you HiFi" discussion, I'll leave some thoughts:
- the late 90s were the best time to buy great HiFi equipment. By then, the industry had adapted to the much better sounding CD format and produces good and great components. With the advent of digital, even portable formats and players, the market for really good equipment stagnated and shrank, leading to good stuff getting expensive and affordable stuff becoming mediocre to bad.

Peter Jakobs ⛵

- when going to buy a HiFi set to really enjoy music, you should allocate 50-75% of your budget to the speakers. No really, buy the best speakers you can just about afford. Every Amp will sound better with great speakers (provided it can deliver enough current) but the best Amp wol sound woeful with bad speakers.
The next chunk from the budget should be your Amp.
With the rest, buy a decent CD player and you're done. Nothing else needed.
You want vinyl? Don't talk about HiFi then

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