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Packbats, creative

@oppen Doing a bit of DuckDuckGo-ing, we found out that this isn't actually a quote from Alan Parsons. This Boing Boing article about an Alan Parsons interview cites it correctly - it's actually a quip by Slashdot user Tackhead.

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Julia Rez



Tackhead in the area!

</remarkably niche industrial dub/funk reference>


@Packbat @oppen This is what happens if you get AI to generate your memes.

(Or, y'know… people)


@Packbat @oppen "All the quotes on the internet are real." -- Genghis Khan


@Packbat @oppen btw reminds me of the quip:

"If he wrote ten sonnets he really loves her, if he wrote 300 he really loves sonnets."

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