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Elmet Brae EB01 The Land Compilation is live:

Mirrored on Bandcamp by @neauoire or a simple FLAC download via itch. @bd and @rostiger have done a great job with the mastering and artwork and the music is a fantastic collection - thanks to everyone who contributed.


@tomasteck @neauoire @bd @rostiger I'm terrified I missed a submission somewhere/somehow - that's been my biggest worry

Alexander Cobleigh

@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger absolutely stellar job everyone! will be spinning this in foobar2000 all day today 🤩


Verified the FLAC zips from itch, they're fine. We have a power cut here so I've just found out I get 4mb/sec from balancing my phone high up on an upstairs window whereas our regular cellular broadband modem is lucky to get 1mb/sec.


Congrats on putting it all together and making it happen! Looking forward to listen through the whole album!

Bad Diode

@oppen Yay! Congratulations everyone! Thank you for putting this together, to @neauoire for the Bandcamp mirror and to @rostiger for the beautiful cover. Cheers!


@oppen hell YES! Thank you! This is such a great project and idea!


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger Awesome, thanks for putting all of this together!

sejo ✨🌊

@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger listening right now, I love it! :tealheart:
thanks for your work! :merveilles:


@oppen So cool, I need some time to listen in peace. But from what I've peeked and skipped around this all sounds fantastic.

Happy to be part of such a powerful collection of art.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger

Made in Todmorden no less! This tugs on my heart strings having now moved away from there.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger This is so great. Thanks for all the work in putting this out. I can't believe how well all the tracks mesh together!

Devine Lu Linvega

@tendigits @oppen @bd @rostiger I agree! I've been listening it from beginning to end in a loop, and it feels like a perfectly continuous story. Whoever selected that specific track listing picked well, it's perfect


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger
Thank you for this.

I look forward to hearing the contributions.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger thanks for organizing this! (and mastering!) really well done. i'm excited to have my work on it. i'm on my second full listen to the compilation already today and really enjoying it.


@oppen @neauoire @bd @rostiger A few tracks in and it's all really tasty so far -- thanks to everyone involved!

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