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160 posts total
Aral Balkan

EU Commission’s latest attempt to backdoor your privacy tries the Trump era William Barr justice department “think of the children” playbook.

No one thinks we shouldn’t do everything in our power to combat child sexual abuse. Some of us just don’t want to destroy the fundamental human right to privacy (and every other human right that’s based on it) in the process.

#privacy #humanRights #eu #encryption

Aral Balkan

What do I mean by “the Trump era William Barr justice department “think of the children” playbook?”


#privacy #humanRights #eu #encryption

Aral Balkan

Billionaire worship is a form of human sacrifice.

Aral Balkan

Somebody reported me to myself, y’all. How’s your day going? :)

Hint: if you don’t like my comparing Israel to Russia, go tell Israel to stop acting like Russia.

(And find out how the fediverse works before you go making an arse of yourself trying to censor me on my own personal instance.)

#censorship #moderation #fediverse #embarrassing #israel #palestine #russia

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@aral wait, I didnt know russia is armed and supported by the west to torment a poor country?


@aral I *do* hope nobody will start a fascist/racist instance 😮

Aral Balkan

Language Servers seem like a great idea until someone comes along and writes one in Java that’s 200MB in size and requires another ~200MB runtime download.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@aral Not to mention Java's voracious appetite for memory.

Aral Balkan

I don’t know who needs to hear this but “free speech” isn’t what some billionaire says you’re allowed to say on his private property.

Aral Balkan

Me trying to view upcoming events to see if I want to book at a local venue.

I guess not.

(Folks, don’t let Facebook hold your businesses hostage to their surveillance. Not all of us are willing to be tracked by Meta, Inc., for the privilege of patronising your establishment.)

Aral Balkan

Which part of “everything is for sale” and “profit is all that matters” did you think excluded human rights and democracy?

You cannot fix this within a system that worships at the altars of billionaires and sees human pain and suffering as merely an inconvenient externality.

Aral Balkan


And it’s not just Putin.

Exploiting greed is the cornerstone of every modern autocrat and wannabe autocrat’s playbook.

When we say capitalism is the slippery slope to fascism this is what we mean.

This is where you end up if your compass has profit as its true north.

Aral Balkan

What the fuck is Russiaphobia? What absolute bullshit is that? What next? Naziphobia?

Talk about playing into Putin’s hands…

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@aral this is really disappointing to read. Equating a country full of people to Nazis because of the current administration is exactly the kind of thing that damages ordinary Russian people. This is eerily similar to the relationship towards Japanese people during WWII. It is possible to take a materialist understanding towards a conflict and understand that no matter who you think the good guys are, its bad for everyone caught in the middle

Honestly expected better from you.


@aral i am not sure if it is a problem already, not the motive of the guy replying there..

But covid for instance did increase anti-Chinese racism.

That Poutine or Russian music were already targets, indicates that it's not impossible.

Aral Balkan

“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” — Primo Levi

Aral Balkan

“You, the Westerners, will never get it. Partially because most of yous have a completely different experience of history, and it is that of living your life in a dominating country. Partially because you can’t be arsed to listen, and you never were.”

Aral Balkan

“Antifascism is protecting people from individuals with structural power. Right now that is Putin. If you are protecting his hegemony over his vast and increasing empire, if you are What Abouting into helplessness, you are part of the aggressor.”

Aral Balkan

How people use the tools you make is none of your goddamn business. If they want to tell you, they’ll tell you. If not, keep your fucking nose out of it.

#design #privacy

Aral Balkan

Is it any surprise that technology designed by and for corporations works in the interests of corporations, not people?

Aral Balkan

Is Putin dead yet? Asking for a friend.


@aral we are putting all out hopes on the cosmetologist. Botox is lethal.

Aral Balkan

It’s appalling how some of the discourse on the left currently boils down to “if you only do as he says, he won’t have to harm you.”

Can you people even hear yourselves right now?

Aral Balkan

Hey isn’t Orban the dickhead who proudly doesn’t recognise EU law?

How about we don’t give a shit what that fascist asshole thinks on this for a change?

Klaudia (aka jinxx)

@aral As much as I'd love to cut them out, this does also hit NGOs and humanitarian organisations who depend on donations and money from the west. In the long run this will only strengthen the Russian version SPFS and we'll all have to use that when we want to donate to eastern countries isn't that cool, either. And third, this seems to be our only measure and when this one is gone, we're blank.

Aral Balkan

As a programmer, I’d like to wish everyone a happy #Twosday


Aral Balkan

Wild idea: how about we _don’t_ let the psychopaths run things?

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