@aral Would that include merge commits?
I _think_ there's a way to exclude them, too.
Anyway, nice command! Define it as alias :)
@RyunoKi In fish shell, I just made a function:
```fish function git-changes-since git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit $argv[1]~1..HEAD end ```
So I can do:
git-changes-since <commit>
#git #changeList #tip #fish #fishShell
@aral Way easier this way :)
@RyunoKi In fish shell, I just made a function:
function git-changes-since
git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit $argv[1]~1..HEAD
So I can do:
git-changes-since <commit>
#git #changeList #tip #fish #fishShell