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Aral Balkan

Seeing a lot of #fediverse accounts without any profile information…

Folks, if you want us to follow you, please, tell us a little about your account. You don’t have to post a photo of yourself or identify yourself if you don’t want to but please take a moment to tend to your profile so it says something about why it exists and what we can expect if we follow it.

It’s also helpful if your make an #introduction post. (You can also pin that to your account.)

Aral Balkan

Suggestion: let’s make April 11th, the #fediverse #profileDay (#deetsDay?) (411*, get it?) :)

A day in which we all make an effort to update our profiles.


(I realise the first one would be a year away but there’s nothing stopping you from tending to yours today) :)

* slang for information or “deets**” (from the telephone code in some counties for directory information)

** slang for details


@aral I don't know, sounds awfully American. How about we go with 118 instead and, to really take a risk, go with 11 August. 🤔

An added bonus is that my very basic searching indicate that the day is available, that is not already occupied with another "international" or "world" day

Aral Balkan

@espen Sure, but is 118 used in that way ever? 411 is :)

Aral Balkan

@espen Mind you, both 411 and “deets” have the connotation that you’re trying to get the details of someone you’re sexually attracted to so maybe 118 would be better with less baggage. I don’t know. Any date will do, really.


@aral Yeah agreed. Personally I fiddle with it from time to time when I think there's a need or after updates to see if there is something new to fiddle with (who needs changelogs. bah humbug)



viele Konten ohne Profilinformationen

Leute, wenn ihr wollt, dass wir euch folgen, erzählt uns bitte ein wenig über euren Account. Ihr müsst kein Foto von euch posten oder euch identifizieren, wenn ihr das nicht wollt, aber nehmt euch bitte einen Moment Zeit, um euer Profil zu pflegen, damit es etwas darüber aussagt, warum es existiert und was wir erwarten können, wenn wir ihm folgen.
Es ist auch hilfreich, wenn du einen #neuhier post machst.


@aral as a moderator for an instance I see an aweful lot of accounts which are created and not used any further. That's even more annoying.

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