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Kat Marchán 🐈

I see Element is going just great right now (this is Element Desktop. Literally the Electron app they ship)

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@zkat its hillarious that this bug ships same week on develop as reports come in from stable. As in they didnt stagger whatever caused this bug to happen. And it also happens on Windows where they have 100% control. (Some linux distros substitue with their own Electron after all)
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@zkat at this point Chatty, the app that does SMS messaging in Gnome, might just be the best option for matrix.

and it has no "login with", no syncing keys with other clients, and no joining chats.

Kat Marchán 🐈

It’s honestly pretty annoying that the pool of money that goes towards mastodon is mixed up across the software, the nonprofit, and two massive instances I don’t want to have anything to do with

Kat Marchán 🐈

Tbh I would be willing to fund mastodon by the software if my money wasn’t going to be used to pay for hosting fees for instances I’m not even on???


@zkat I notice GoToSocial has an OpenCollective and a LiberaPay…

Kat Marchán 🐈

When you really think about it, it's utterly baffling that we've reached a state where the expected norm is that you literally aren't allowed to do some kind of labor (code) in your own time, because it 100% belongs to your employer.


@zkat I am constantly thinking about this. Literally the #1 reason I went self employed

Kat Marchán 🐈

do you ever have this thing happen to you where you have a long, vivid dream where someone who purely existed inside the dream (and has no parallel to anyone IRL) becomes incredibly important to you, and then as you wake up, you realize you have to let go of them?

Anyway I barely remember them now but now I'm a bit sad today. What a strange experience.

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@zkat :< Yep… At times I wonder if those people are somehow some kind of alternative version of me not others

julia ferraioli :cc_by:

@zkat yeah, actually. I've had to do a lot of processing about them.


I don’t think I’d have articulated it that way. But I had a strong feeling of resonance reading that.
So probably yes.

Kat Marchán 🐈

since a lot of folks are becoming newly interested in escaping corporate silos and moving to community-based services, are you aware of @matrix?

Matrix is to Slack and Discord, what Mastodon is to Twitter: a decentralized, federated network based on open standards/specs. It also supports full end-to-end encryption, just like Signal, so you can exchange messages privately!

If you find the fediverse interesting/inspiring, I recommend giving matrix a whirl. The quickest way to get started is to head over to and make a (free!) account (although you can also join any number of other home servers, or host your own--they all talk to each other!).

If you _do_ end up checking it out, please do say hi! I'm over there. I also manage a "space" (a group of channels, kinda like a Discord server) that you can join by clicking here:!tKdDSgQTxQzcOuTXq

I hope this sparks your interest! I'd love to see you over there, too!

since a lot of folks are becoming newly interested in escaping corporate silos and moving to community-based services, are you aware of @matrix?

Matrix is to Slack and Discord, what Mastodon is to Twitter: a decentralized, federated network based on open standards/specs. It also supports full end-to-end encryption, just like Signal, so you can exchange messages privately!

Kat Marchán 🐈

some other thoughts: someone on here recently referred to the Mastodon migration as a good example of the whole dual power philosophy: setting up healthy, community-based alternatives to the current systems of power, ready to have people fall back to them (and all their benefits), when they're finally forced out of the current power structures.

I think building that out for Matrix, even if it doesn't completely replace all your communities (yet!) is something that is worth getting started with right now! It doesn't hurt to get yourself a Matrix account, after all, and you might find some community and discover you like it a lot! (I do! I wish my Discord communities lived there!)

some other thoughts: someone on here recently referred to the Mastodon migration as a good example of the whole dual power philosophy: setting up healthy, community-based alternatives to the current systems of power, ready to have people fall back to them (and all their benefits), when they're finally forced out of the current power structures.

Kat Marchán 🐈

#mastodon #protip

In addition to filling out the freeform text in your mastodon bio, you can have a specific table of up to 4 metadata fields that you can edit in your Edit Profile page! One of those is also an official verification mechanism that associates your mastodon account with a domain name! Give that a whirl!

This is how they show up in your profile after you add them:

Kat Marchán 🐈

Hi fediverse! Boosts appreciated on this one.

I’m part of a co-op building a platform for artists to sell art without getting exploited. I’ve been working on it for a while but there’s a lot of work to do and I could use some help. A ton of the main features are in place, but there’s still some big gaps and a lot of polish left before it can launch.

The platform is fully open source and developed in the open. It’s built on Phoenix/Elixir and Tailwindcss. Our co-op is already incorporated and established and it’s open to members that want to actually commit but you don’t need to be a member to contribute or help.

Does this sound interesting? I’d love some help! I’m also happy to answer questions. And no, you don’t need to know Elixir already. It’s pretty easy to learn for the things you’d be using it for. Even some design help would be welcome. Feel free to reply here or DM me!


Hi fediverse! Boosts appreciated on this one.

I’m part of a co-op building a platform for artists to sell art without getting exploited. I’ve been working on it for a while but there’s a lot of work to do and I could use some help. A ton of the main features are in place, but there’s still some big gaps and a lot of polish left before it can launch.


@zkat Hi, I'm one of the developers of @bonfire a federated extensible framework also written in Elixir. Have you considered how federation could play a role in your project?

K Lars Lohn

@zkat I certainly agree that there is a need for a safe and effective way artists to sell their art. Galleries have never been a great deal and most of those that I've worked with went out of business during the pandemic. My own solo experience with online sales have been abysmal.

What is the end goal of your co-op's Web work? How does/will your platform support the members?

Stu :coffefied:

@zkat damn sounds interesting to me but I don't know tailwind css

Kat Marchán 🐈

In light of recent news and an increased interest in alternatives, I've updated my Mastodon Quickstart Guide with the latest info on apps and such.

Mastodon isn't something you need to move wholesale to! Start migrating today!

Kat Marchán 🐈

biggest change is that Mastodon _just_ released official apps for both Android and iOS, and they're pretty snazzy tbh!

Kat Marchán 🐈

I like how people often refer to open source code as not production ready considering the absolute horrors I’ve seen in proprietary code.

There’s some magical thinking that many of us are guilty that big-time company-owned projects somehow have all these quality processes.

Kat Marchán 🐈

I can't believe I'm looping all the way back around to "permissive open source is actually good and we should actually be MORE AGGRESSIVE about it, to continue undercutting corporate products"

but here we are

Kat Marchán 🐈

maybe trying to jam capitalist concerns ("how do we pay for all this labor?") is always just going to be incoherent vs reality.

Maybe the focus needs to be "what are we doing for the commons which gives _us_ stuff for free?" and stop worrying about whether we're "paid fairly"?

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