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Kat Marchán 🐈

since a lot of folks are becoming newly interested in escaping corporate silos and moving to community-based services, are you aware of @matrix?

Matrix is to Slack and Discord, what Mastodon is to Twitter: a decentralized, federated network based on open standards/specs. It also supports full end-to-end encryption, just like Signal, so you can exchange messages privately!

If you find the fediverse interesting/inspiring, I recommend giving matrix a whirl. The quickest way to get started is to head over to and make a (free!) account (although you can also join any number of other home servers, or host your own--they all talk to each other!).

If you _do_ end up checking it out, please do say hi! I'm over there. I also manage a "space" (a group of channels, kinda like a Discord server) that you can join by clicking here:!tKdDSgQTxQzcOuTXq

I hope this sparks your interest! I'd love to see you over there, too!

Kat Marchán 🐈

some other thoughts: someone on here recently referred to the Mastodon migration as a good example of the whole dual power philosophy: setting up healthy, community-based alternatives to the current systems of power, ready to have people fall back to them (and all their benefits), when they're finally forced out of the current power structures.

I think building that out for Matrix, even if it doesn't completely replace all your communities (yet!) is something that is worth getting started with right now! It doesn't hurt to get yourself a Matrix account, after all, and you might find some community and discover you like it a lot! (I do! I wish my Discord communities lived there!)

some other thoughts: someone on here recently referred to the Mastodon migration as a good example of the whole dual power philosophy: setting up healthy, community-based alternatives to the current systems of power, ready to have people fall back to them (and all their benefits), when they're finally forced out of the current power structures.


@zkat When I saw a bunch of gaming communities drop Streamlabs OBS because of Streamlabs being shady, I had hoped that I'd see those gaming communities react similarly when Twitter (inevitably and eventually) became unusable, but a lot of people still haven't left the birdapp. Discord's also inevitably going to be untrustworthy after their flirting with NFTs, but... Matrix+Element is an even harder UX sell than Mastodon.

I hope, but have doubts.

vague 🔥

@zkat too bad the matrix clients are all kind of poo-poo. But never fear! There is always #irc :)

Kat Marchán 🐈

@vague Element has come a long way, tbh. It might be missing a couple of bells and whistles, but I definitely wouldn't call it poo-poo anymore?

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