It is worth remembering that Google cancelled JPEG XL because they're little bitches who can't accept someone is just an actual order of magnitude better at something they tried doing.
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Open on catraxxPrpfession:
Frontend Developer
Be Gay.:
Do Crimes.
Profile Pic & Bg:
Walton Ford "Vollmond"
Social status:
Woke communist elite
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I am here. It felt important to point that out. #farLeft #openSource #camelCase #webDev #techno #prettyGay #cat |
@catraxx I haven't looked too closely at image formats in a long time, what was an order of magnitude better than what?
like, they didnt lose in anything, as far as i can tell this was literally just a case of some google exec chosing to side with the aom over jpeg even though google had no stake in the matter and both can easily coexist