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Kat Marchán 🐈

I see Element is going just great right now (this is Element Desktop. Literally the Electron app they ship)

Athena L.M.

@zkat I love when software ships without any release testing whatsoever.


@zkat oh noes my heart goes out to my laid off ex-colleagues who were in QA at Element (I worked in Support at Element not QA so i'm unencumbered by the current state of QA there) #QAIsTheHardestAndMostUnderfundedJobInComputerScienceAfterSupportOrSomething :-)

Joshua M. Clulow

@zkat Element is the most exhausting organisation and software in my current IT estate. I'm still broadly in favour of Matrix, because I'm not (yet) familiar with a more functional and more open alternative, but fuck if it wouldn't be nice to go a week without seeing more shit like this. They make it extremely hard to be on their side, basically all the time.

Aaron Ogle

@jmc @zkat I’ve been trying other clients because element just feels so bulky. That electron weight 😬

Jocelynephiliac :reclaimer:

@zkat I bet you $10 that they forgot to include the electron app’s user agent in the support matrix regexp.

I may or may not know this from having done the same thing


I mean, stuff always happens, so I can see how during development they might miss to exclude the electron app. But how on earth did that go past testing?

@zkat its hillarious that this bug ships same week on develop as reports come in from stable. As in they didnt stagger whatever caused this bug to happen. And it also happens on Windows where they have 100% control. (Some linux distros substitue with their own Electron after all)
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@zkat at this point Chatty, the app that does SMS messaging in Gnome, might just be the best option for matrix.

and it has no "login with", no syncing keys with other clients, and no joining chats.

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