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Every Door OSM Editor

We had a small #birthday party / OSM-meetup - including a nice brownie with birthday candles for #MapComplete's fourth birthday!

Every Door OSM Editor

Version 5.1 is officially out! Update it from Github or Google Play Store, or wait a bit for other stores.

I only planned to fix the white map screen on iOS, but suddenly added a GPS track and a QR code reader. See the full changelog:

I have also made some screenshots for a post with highlights of new features in the last two releases.Check it out:


@everydoor Love your app! Easy to use and makes adding stuff to #OpenStreetMap on the go so fast and fun. 👏👏👏

Every Door OSM Editor

Do you know that the #EveryDoor, #MagicEarth, #Osmand #OrganicMaps -- popular navigation and mapping apps that uses #OpenStreetMap data are now available in #Huawei's App store?

Every Door OSM Editor

Oh wow! @streetcomplete got funding from @PrototypeFund to port it to iOS! We're onnnnn! Congratulations Tobias and everyone who's eager to start doing quests on iPhones!

Every Door OSM Editor

Wer mehr über unser aktuelles Förderprojekt StreetComplete (für iOS) - einen spielerischen Ansatz, um Informationen in der @openstreetmap zu vervollständigen - wissen möchte, erfährt es in dieser Ausgabe des C-RadaR des @cccda (ab 1:24):

Every Door OSM Editor

Ooh! What’s this?! Automatic localization of weekday format based on location?! Love it @everydoor :)

Every Door OSM Editor

Every Door 5.1 beta1 is out:

Planning to release in a week.

Haven't fixed the major iOS issue yet, which was the reason for fast-tracking this update :)

Every Door OSM Editor

@everydoor is so far the best OSM editor I’ve found for POIs, even on desktop where I prefer it a lot than than JOSM or iD.

I now find myself couch-mapping with ED even if I have my laptop available which kind of asks the question: would it be possible to load a list of POIs in ED to go through them? I could have a list of deeplinks to everydoor://edit/<nodeid>.

Ofc that’s kind of against ED’s premise (that you map on the ground), but still I could see that as a useful feature.

cc @zverik

Every Door OSM Editor


This reminds me how after adding an editor to Maps.Me, we were suprised to see it's being widely used for couch mapping, because editing POI was much simpler than in JOSM / iD :)

I had a few requests to support deep links for nodes, but this is the first one dealing with a _list_ of those.

Follow this ticket I guess:

Every Door OSM Editor

Imagine tapping a link and seeing Every Door turned into a specialized tree collecting app, with taxonomy and rendering and presets.

Imagine scanning a QR code for a task in FMTM and your ED app shows the task boundaries, limits presets to features you need to collect, and shows a short manual on the process.

Imagine overlaying a mall plan before going in for indoor mapping.

Imagine surveying features to your own PostGIS server.

That is the future of Every Door.

Imagine tapping a link and seeing Every Door turned into a specialized tree collecting app, with taxonomy and rendering and presets.

Imagine scanning a QR code for a task in FMTM and your ED app shows the task boundaries, limits presets to features you need to collect, and shows a short manual on the process.

Every Door OSM Editor

@zverik Hi, one follow up to this.

On the @opencage blog we just published an article from the 13 year old son of a friend who did his first ever mapping party last weekend in Bangalore, India.

He used ... Every Door

Ilya Zverev

@freyfogle @opencage

Thanks Ed, excellent post by Tushar!

A bit related, yesterday had a call with an OSM group in Rwanda, and they are tasked with mapping a mountain of buildings and POI. Faced with that, they understood their current tools (like ODK) are too slow, and looking into ED for efficient fast mapping :)

Pretty sure ED would be the ultimate humanitarian mapping app, but first needs a few more features for that.

Every Door OSM Editor

Published version 5.0 to iOS TestFlight:

Please install it and check that everything works, so I could push that to release :)

Rihards Olups

@everydoor Installed, tested basic functionality, seemed good :)
Any specific areas that would be useful to test more?

David Karlaš

@everydoor Upon upload, where can I find data on PC? Or an I missunderstanding intent of this feature?

Every Door OSM Editor

Regarding the iOS release of Every Door 5.0: rented a cloud mac, but cannot publish the build yet.

When trying to log in to my Apple developer account, I get an immediate message for 2f auth: "This phone number cannot be used at this time". But works fine on the web, getting codes in SMS. Anybody encountered this?

Also wrote to Apple and Macincloud supports, waiting for their help.

Publishing on AppStore is hard if you don't own a mac.

Guillaume Rischard

@everydoor maybe I can help sign and notarise the build? I helped build the josm infrastructure for it. Message me anywhere?

Every Door OSM Editor

I’m excited to announce that today we released Rapid v2.3 editor for @openstreetmap The Rapid team has been busy working on this for the past few months - here’s 4 new features that we hope you’ll love… 🧵


🔙 Esri Wayback imagery

The world never stops changing! We added a new background layer called "Esri Wayback" to let you view historical releases of the Esri World Imagery. This background source also has a date picker to help you choose from dates likely to show changes in the current map view. Open the Background pane to try it out!

Every Door OSM Editor

So happy seeing the drawing thing ("geoscribbles") already being used to survey missing links!

Every Door OSM Editor

Every Door 5.0 is released, exactly half a year after the last one!

Currently available on Google Play and Github. Upgrade now!

F-Droid and AppStore will come a bit later: need to fix a thing, and figure out how to build and upload iOS apps from Linux.

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

@everydoor nice! Unfortunately I’m not sure the build iOS thing is possible on Linux :/ gotta have Xcode or use some cloud based build service.

Every Door OSM Editor

5.0-beta1 is out! Finally I see E-P for estonian opening hours :)

Please test the drawing mode! See the wiki page with instructions for other editors:

Expect the production release next week! I'll try making a short video on using the new mode properly.

Rihards Olups

@everydoor Had to look this up, but I guess it's "esmaspäev" for Monday.

What's P? At least Google Translate gives "reede[l]" for Friday.

Every Door OSM Editor

I've seen @everydoor mentioned a few times since I started mapping, but it always looked confusing (from the screenshots, etc. I saw).

But now that I've read Ilya's "How to use..." blog post ( and watched some of his videos about #EveryDoor (, I think I'm going to start using it instead of #StreetComplete now.

#OSM #mapping


@normplum @everydoor I haven't tried SC new Things overlay but EveryDoor is my favorite app to add more POIs to the map :) also he also has an account here @zverik :)

Every Door OSM Editor

Fun fact about @organicmaps? It can do public transport navigation with the Beijing Subway, that Google Maps can't.

The time are still very off compared to local mapping apps, but it does work and if you don't care much about having exact times for arrival, it is worth using.

Oh and if you need to buy tickets, just point people to the name of the subway station on the map, they'll manage :)

Every Door OSM Editor

Omg I finally closed the issue, the walking papers mode is 100% operational! Looking to release version 5.0 the first week of May!

Could anyone help me with getting the layer into iD?

A JOSM plugin would be nice too, since WMS is not the best way to read labels.

Every Door OSM Editor

Also open to suggestions on replacing "Cycle lane" with something more useful. Maybe parking?..


@everydoor did you see Looks like a similar idea. Update: I see the reference to your iD ticket now in

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