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Every Door OSM Editor

Omg I finally closed the issue, the walking papers mode is 100% operational! Looking to release version 5.0 the first week of May!

Could anyone help me with getting the layer into iD?

A JOSM plugin would be nice too, since WMS is not the best way to read labels.

Every Door OSM Editor

Also open to suggestions on replacing "Cycle lane" with something more useful. Maybe parking?..

Sam Whited

@everydoor I admit that I don't know what the difference between cycle way and cycle lane (or footway/foot path) are, but do anything other than parking if you switch it. For many if us, that trauma is too real :)

Every Door OSM Editor

@richlv I'm planning to record a video for the release, to explain everything :)

Rihards Olups

@everydoor Ahh, hopefully some docs as well, I'd likely never get to a video =)

Actually, searching around, cannot find much documentation (checked OSM wiki, Github, website) - did I miss some?

Every Door OSM Editor

@richlv There is a FAQ in the Settings → About, and a link to a webinar recording on the wiki page:

Rihards Olups

@everydoor A recording is exactly the thing I'd never end up seeing ;)
Was thinking about classic documentation where things can be discovered, searched etc.

I might write something up after I complete all the late tasks...


@everydoor did you see Looks like a similar idea. Update: I see the reference to your iD ticket now in

Every Door OSM Editor

@tordans Oh wow, thank you for linking this! Gotta leave some comments (and maybe backport it to iD later).

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