@mira_the_catgirl Потому что ответ на этот вопрос довольно очевиден. А вот что дальше с этим ответом делать, не знает никто.
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@grishka про «отечественные аналоги» говорят исключительно профессиональные пиздаболы, не написавшие ни строчки кода, сами с промытыми мозгами. Человечество давно пришло к пониманию, что чем больше личной свободы — тем больше развивается общество. До этих мудаков эта простая мысль так и не дошла @grishka @rf Кожаный Олень - Труба (feat. Anacondaz) - Invidious Consuming "living in Japan" content again and it goes like this: "Most foreigners can't keep up with the pace of the Japanese, they are terrible workaholics, they come to work early and leave late, they don't date days off or vacations often. Often this pace is very exhausting for foreigners" and I just love the subtle implication that it's NOT exhausting for the Japanese. Orientalism is when I think people from the culture I like so much are literal human drones purpose-built for work and I will dehumanise them at every opportunity. I miss that turn-of-the-century optimism. We had the good thing going. Watching the humanity's dreams crumbling to dust sucks. It's like a massive hangover that never ends.
@drq I am afraid of becoming that kind of sicko who would genuinely enjoy someone's spiral into despair or celebrate someone's death. Nothing is more threatening to the soverignty of nation states than global and open collaborative spaces. They don't really fear guns, because they always have more and bigger. They definitely don't fear money because they're printing it and they're living rent-free in billionaires' pockets anyway. But they do fear the Internet, because it allows for communication, cooperation and research and innovation without their permission. And they will try their damnedest to destroy it. They're already doing it. Is setting up a decent StableDiffusion pipeline on Linux always such a pain in the ass or is it just the red team problems? Also, as a quick aside, I hate what Python has become over the last 10 years. It used to be my favourite language/platform, why is it such an impenetrable mess? @drq@mastodon.ml ну, у зеленых, говорят, все норм с их cuda. Если я тебя правильно понимаю, и ты с ROCm ебешься.
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@guffo https://fmhy.net has directories for everything you could ever want. Well, I've only investigated the reading bit in any depth, but I've heard the other stuff is great too. Edit: adding https 🔍 Описание Интернет-мем. На изображении изображен гном в красной шапке, сидящий на кожаном кошельке. Он улыбается и смотрит на зрителя. Кошелек открыт, но пуст. На заднем плане видна деревянная поверхность. 📝 Текст на картинке Неверищие в гномов-зарплатакрадов Наверное, моя зарплата ушла Encryption has come a long way since the 1500s! 🕵️♀️ Discover its origins and importance in keeping information safe. To my American friends grieving over the return of the Cheeto the President: this is not the apocalypse, but it's going to suck, for everybody, so we're certainly gonna have to weather this one out. Hang on! And don't ever even think of doing anything stupid to yourself or the others because of this. We're all gonna need each other for the next four years. From the similarly authoritarian-occupied Russia with love, drq. There's a whole host of good people out there who - believe it or not! - are still using cold war vocabulary. They have not read the theory and whipping out "capitalism bad" freaks them the fuck out. They usually want the same thing as you do, but it's your job to help them see it. And it starts with meeting them where they're at. Step 1. @TechConnectify I read an interesting article that basically says look, authoritarians are concerned about preserving "us" versus "them" and the way to tackle things is to expand "us" to include "them" @TechConnectify this idea, oddly enough, aligns with something I put out a few weeks ago. https://publish.obsidian.md/egg82/Thoughts/One-dimensional In re: some conversations I've had in other places (real and online) A lot of people in leftist circles seem to begin conversations on step 8 and are surprised when the person they're talking to isn't receptive. Ya gotta start on step 1.
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@TechConnectify They need to be met we're they're at and engaged with, with empathy and understanding. @TechConnectify Documentation needs to aimed at anyone who might need to perform a specific task, regardless of who they might be or their experience level in any particular field. |