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Dr. Quadragon ❌

It's not a "solution" but a "distraction". Since YT and social media platforms are currently full of politics (a good thing!) I have setup a small little place on the web without politics and fights but fun & happiness :nkoHappy:

Too much negative content can really have an effect and I want to battle that with this little video website that's not federated.

I'm gonna fill with my funny videos from over the years and others can also!

It's called YeeeeeeeTube!

Basically everyone can create an account and upload videos but please do keep them friendly, no politics

Since storing videos costs money there is a "pro" tier for 6 bucks a money to cover some expenses and gives you a bigger uploads etc etc

Nothing serious, just relax and watch funny videos

I'll be uploading a looad more.. (got over 10K videos in my lib derp)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle.

-Vladimir Lenin

Dr. Quadragon ❌

how am i supposed to come together with people who just campaigned on the pretense of wanting me to die?




I'm not doing very well with this whole "Well let's not criticize these people. They're just different from you."

Nuts to that

They're not "just different"

Dr. Quadragon ❌

А теперь нечто совершенно другое: беговой летучий мыш.

> We show that vampire bats use amino acids from a recent blood meal to fuel RUNNING - a rare mode of locomotion in bats ideal for stalking prey. I’d worry less about your neck and more about your ankles!

Digital Bath

:BlobhajBlanketSlate: никаких Куков, только закладки!



Хранит отпечатки пальцев и батины заначки 😅
Но не использует эти данные для обработки персоны

Dr. Quadragon ❌

in the short term: do something that helps you cope with our reality.

in the long term: reach out the people who both love and respect you and tell them how you feel. mutual aid is how we survived every time there’s been a hostile government and it’ll work again. we’ve been here before, we’ve survived, and we will do it again.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

It's been a long road, but it seems GIMP 3.0 is nearing completion, with the release of a release candidate build.

Non-destructive layer effects, GTK 3 UI (with CSD option), new colour management system, improved onboarding, and a whole lot more.

#gimp #opensource #goodthingscometothosewhowait

GIMP mascot Wilber
Dylan Parry

@omgubuntu now all they need is a less ridiculous name 😞

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Yesterday a program made my terminal’s cursor disappear! I was really surprised because programs so rarely mess up my terminal these days. (fish prevents almost all problems like this)

the problem was that it printed out "\033[?25l" to make the cursor invisible without printing out a corresponding "\033[?25h” to make it visible again

like most "my terminal is broken" problems you can fix this by running `reset` but it was VERY disorienting until I realized what had happened


my prompt with a visible cursor
my prompt with a invisible cursor
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Simon Tatham

@b0rk it is a bit annoying that there's nothing you can sensibly do before printing a shell prompt that resets _everything_.

The 'reset' program sends ESC c, which resets the terminal completely to its power-on state, including clearing the screen. But you don't want to clear the screen before every shell prompt. You'd like a sequence that does all of ESC c _except_ that!

So instead the shell has to think of every individual setting that might need to be reset, and likely forget one :-(

João S. O. Bueno

@b0rk i still remember the day I first met "reset". If there were an oscar nomination for cli utilities, I'd certainly name it.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

If the Democratic party was up for *actual* change, they would've pushed for replacing the hybrid of electoral college and first-past-the-post system with something more representative.

You don't need to "steal an election" when the underlying math is susceptible to the point of being basically broken.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I'm sure you've seen many good-minded posts in multiple social networks, addressed to those who reacted badly to the results of the US presidential election - mostly minorities and queer people. Something like "Whatever happens, please don't do anything stupid to yourself." As admins of Fediverse instances (and also as our countries' citizens and regular netizens), we must not lose our motivation and focus and uphold the message provided by those posts.

Reassure your followers and mutuals. Give them breathing space when necessary. If the situation is dire, make contact via local helpline and do whatever you can to help them out.

Stay safe. It's not over yet.


I'm sure you've seen many good-minded posts in multiple social networks, addressed to those who reacted badly to the results of the US presidential election - mostly minorities and queer people. Something like "Whatever happens, please don't do anything stupid to yourself." As admins of Fediverse instances (and also as our countries' citizens and regular netizens), we must not lose our motivation and focus and uphold the message provided by those posts.

AltTexter RU

🔍 Описание

Это комикс. На картинке изображено несколько черно-белых персонажей, похожих на людей, с короткими ногами и круглыми головами. Персонажи стоят в ряд и говорят друг с другом. На заднем плане изображен серый фон.

📝 Текст на картинке

В интересное
время живём.

В интересное
время живём.
В интересное.

Живём, да.
В интересное
А этот че орет?
(У него таблетки


🔍 Описание

Это комикс. На картинке изображено несколько черно-белых персонажей, похожих на людей, с короткими ногами и круглыми головами. Персонажи стоят в ряд и говорят друг с другом. На заднем плане изображен серый фон.

📝 Текст на картинке

В интересное
время живём.

В интересное
время живём.
В интересное.

Alt Bot

@eto_krivo This bot has been asked to generate an alt text for your image by @yura. Do you consent? Reply with 'Y' or 'Yes' to proceed.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Hard Drive just posted:

America Confirms Backwards Compatibility with 2016

WASHINGTON — The United States of America has officially confirmed that it will be backwards compatible with 2016 starting in January 2025. While there has…


Header image for an article titled: America Confirms Backwards Compatibility with 2016
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@demimom I'm surviving out of spite alright, have been for the past 33 years, but I wouldn't say it's primarily because of hope, it's because I have no choice on the matter.

Giving up is just not me. My self-preservation is in full gear. I'm too enraged for this "go quietly into the night" shit.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Дома появилась длинная доска, которую надо распилить. Думала, на что бы ее положить, чтобы удобно и безопасно это сделать. Пришла к мужу, спросила: "Есть два стула?"

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Okay, time to accept I guess. We've done what we could do but it wasn't enough unfort

The best thing now is to see how we can help in creating safe spaces perhaps, offer support and see how we can help navigate this new hell

Let's try to focus on more positive things and help instead of the demon himself

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@stux This. And while the most affected are recovering (or trying to), think what the fuck we're gonna counter this with in the next four years.

The Democratic party was too arrogant. The campaign was virtually non-existent, and when it was, it was amazingly tone-deaf. They thought they have it in the bag.

Nuh-uh. You never do until you do.

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