don’t treat yourself like the people did who made you believe it is hard to love you
don’t treat yourself like the people did who made you believe it is hard to love you Где-то в ранней Вселенной существовал массивный квазар, который никак не мог наесться. Так можно описать систему, рассмотренную «Джеймсом Уэббом», где массивная активная галактика поглощает еще две массивные галактики, каждая из которых успела значительно проэволюционировать.
Show previous comments @skobkin я залип, хоть я совсем далёк от японского. Спасибо :blobcatcomfhappy:
Один из соседей переезжает, и отдал передержать на время переезда - причину переезда.
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Alfons Maria Mucha (July 24, 1860 - July 14, 1939) known internationally as Alphonse Mucha, was a Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist. Living in Paris during the Art Nouveau period, he was widely known for his distinctly stylized and decorative theatrical posters На словах "репетитор ... чего угодно" очень захотелось выписать этой мадаме леща. And the absolute most infuriating thing is when cises "mourn" the "death" of the close one they'd thought was cis. Fuck off with this shit. You don't mourn the death of your straight friend when she comes out of the closet as a lesbian. Do you. Think about what you're saying by "grieving" the death of a painful, exhausting, personality-killing, joy-of-living-destroying LIE. And then maybe don't say it? Just downloaded the entire Joel Nielsen's Black Mesa soundtrack. Going to work, listening to Inbound. Incidentally, I'm also running pretty late, and everybody's long used to it as well. Нахуя мне в телефоне 8 гигабайт ОЗУ, если при переключении на 7 секунд в такси и сразу обратно в браузер все вкладки дохнут к хуям?
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@lednaBM Same-sex sexual behaviour in animals is widely observed but historically under-reported. The analysis, led by anthropologists at the University of Toronto, concluded that 77% of researchers working across 52 different species had observed homosexual activity, but only 19% had published on it. And in general, "against nature" is a bad argument. Nature does not deserve respect. It is also responsible for everything bad that happens to us, including diseases and cataclysms. It can be said that medicine and even hygiene are "against nature" too. @Chia Есть ощущение, что рейтинговые системы типа Эло (только более продвинутые) могут в этом помочь Полагаю, низкое количество цитирований может служить свидетельством в пользу бесполезности автора, но высокое количество цитирований не обязательно служит свидетельством в пользу его полезности 🤔 > Russia slowing down YouTube to unbearable speeds I hate the modern internet. It's either a website blocked by a country, you are blocked by a website, or both. I'm also very tired of spending hours of my life to solve captchas.
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@inex I remember one talk about countries blocking websites and websites blocking countries.
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@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon and Ian Fleming was a spy himself (and came from serious money himself) so he'd know! @The_Whore_of_Blahbylon some people watched those movies and identified with James Bond. Others identified with Blofeld. Do we know if Musk has a cat? john lecarre said much the same thing, and he had the advantage of actually having been a spy. but only americans get the fancy gadgets. |