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What obviously seems to be against nature, is hate sponsored by religions. it all about power and control.


@Piousunyn Absolutey: religion is just a branch of politics.


@lednaBM I love the 'it's not natural" argument. You know what? You're right, but we can't be picking and choosing, so we've already established you don't want anything to do with unnatural things. I'm comfortable with them. Don't worry. I'll take all that unnatural money, house and car you have. After all. They aren't natural. You probably shouldn't have them. I don't mind. I'm just trying to help you live your values. I promise.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@Cubelet Unnatural and against nature are two different things. But you raise a good point. To me, nothing is unnatural or against nature. Both are unscientific takes. In the context of the meme, though, its point is sound even with the wording less than adequately comprehensible for some...


@Cubelet @lednaBM are you questioning humans capacity to understand and practice good objective values? Do you think humans are not able to do so without religion?

Kevin Leecaster

@albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
Of course, I can't be expected to do unto others as I would have them do unto me unless I'm threatened with eternal damnation. /s

sparseMatrix 📻

@GreenFire @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM

It's amazing to me that the entirety of the bible can be cooked down to that single kindergarten commandment, and lose nothing for it.

The reason it's never been so distilled in religion is all the other crap gives assholes something to hide behind and confuse the issue.

Kevin Leecaster

@KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
Religion has always been political. It served some good purposes and some that weren't so good.

Hopefully, as a species we'll pretty much all move past it sooner rather than later imo.

Giovanni Mascellani

@GreenFire @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM We've been pretty much all religious for many centuries. What makes you think that's going away soon? Otherwise your hope feels quite delusional.

Kevin Leecaster

@giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
I can't really speak for all countries, but I understand that the EU is even less religious than in the USA and here they're rapidly running away from churches especially after the last eight years of MAGA maniac crap.

Gallop estimates of Americans' religious preferences
Dragon-sided D

@rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
The civilized world finally divesting itself of religion is a welcome ray of hope in this timeline.

Kevin Leecaster

@dragonsidedd @rebelrebel62 @giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
I worry about the youngest step-children of Abraham though since those "religions" are quite culty.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@dragonsidedd @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet

We just need to remember the fundamentalists will only go down fighting. Therefore, we need to be prepared to wipe them out. And, I'm not proud to be saying this. Violence should never be a solution, but in this case, it's simply elementary logic if they don't sue for peace...

AJD replied to Pooka🍸Boo

@lednaBM @dragonsidedd @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @Cubelet i hope it doesn't come down to pure violence. I may bet on a more subtle demographic trend. Maybe the more fundamentalists have less children.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵 replied to AJD

@albertojavier @dragonsidedd @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @Cubelet Nobody in their right mind would want violence; but think about the words "right mind" and look around...

Zagone replied to Pooka🍸Boo

@lednaBM @albertojavier @dragonsidedd @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @Cubelet

In the USA the fundamentalists are pretty close to seizing control.

There are lovely branches of Christianity yet a disturbing tendency for religious zealot crackdowns throughout the ages.

Dragon-sided D replied to Zagone

@zagone @lednaBM @albertojavier @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @Cubelet oh yeah. I have to give a hat tip to Lenny Susskind for calling it out during Trump’s administration

sparseMatrix 📻 replied to Dragon-sided

@dragonsidedd @zagone @lednaBM @albertojavier @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @Cubelet

I'm not familiar with this lecture nor the good professor, but having a look at him over on wikipedia, I'm already a fan of the man.

Dragon-sided D replied to Pooka🍸Boo

@lednaBM @rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet good lord what drugs are you on

These things are fundamentally incompatible

You get rational educated people when you have a prosperous society that values both rationality and education.

Militarized societies: Russia, Iran, North Korea, …


@rebelrebel62 @GreenFire @giomasce @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM
What is the reason for the sharp drop between 1980-1984? Seems to be mostly Anglican/Protestants.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@giomasce @GreenFire @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet People are smarter and not indoctrinating their children. Science makes it look sillier and sillier relentlessly. Yes, there are those in a minority who still believe in astrology, but really, we kind of laugh at them behind their back to not hurt their feelings.

qurly(not curly)joe

That, imo, was the true fall from grace: the emergence of religion as a means of control over others.

@GreenFire @KI5SMN @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM

sparseMatrix 📻

@giomasce @GreenFire @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM

I strongly disagree. This is nothing short of crying because 'there's no magic in the world'.

We are the magic. Be the magic.

muxauy 🚴🇪🇺

@KI5SMN @GreenFire @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM but thing is, lots of the bible (especially the old testament) goes way beyond "do unto others", and it's those judgy parts that lots of christians adore way more than the "do unto others" part, which they generally tend to sweep under the rug

sparseMatrix 📻

@lanzz @GreenFire @albertojavier @Cubelet @lednaBM

There is a message in the bible that is completely ignored (see my earlier comment about shit left in so assholes have something behind which to hide); that being that the old testament is *for the Jew*. The New Testament is for those who follow Christ. The Christian is suppose to leave all the glory of judgement and revenge to God, just as surely as the Jew was to loot the defeated, but take no gold from the battlefield.

"Johnny can't read".

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@albertojavier @Cubelet His point is to attempt a common sense approach. It does miss the mark, though. Because we know animals recognize and mourn their dead, but that's not religion. I'm an atheist. I still miss, and you might say, mourn, my late wife. I talk to her, but not any spirit or ghost. I talk to eternity, where there's always a space for our place in nature.


@lednaBM @Cubelet your are right. I'm an atheist too. I do the same with my late mother. Tying religion with the natural does miss the mark. The fact that religion is not universal among humans gives me a lot to doubt regarding it being a natural ocurrence (in the mind of living, intelligent, and/or sentient beings).


@albertojavier @lednaBM not remotely. Just poking fun at the concept of refusing to accept something because it's "unnatural" which, as ledna said is rather very unscientific and silly. It's just an attempt to force others to follow the arbitrary rules you laid down for yourself. Those rules might come from a religious body, but you chose them. Forcing them upon someone else who has their own standards is really the issue.

@lednaBM animals certainly have many rtituals, some very elaborate. Who is to say they are not expressing their religion?

My neighbor's dog howls during moon-worship.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@Qbitzerre 🤣😂🤣😂

Well.... that's the funniest take I've heard all day. Humans are so fucking egotistical. It's always about us....


@Qbitzerre @lednaBM I had a marine mammals class in college in which the professor challenged us to come up with an answer to why whales beach themselves. I said off-handedly that it was a ritual suicide following their religions' directions. The rest of the class didn't find it as entertaining a thought as I did. (Whales will re-beach themselves further down the coast if you "save" them btw.)

@Cubelet @lednaBM did anyone have a better explanation?

@lednaBM @Cubelet not an observation (except of the behavior). A hypothesis.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@Qbitzerre @Cubelet agree to disagree.... a hypothesis requires supporting evidence, not deciding evidence.


@lednaBM @Qbitzerre honestly it was a joke. Not an observation or a hypothesis. ^^; but it did make me consider the concept of animals religions.

Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵

@Cubelet @Qbitzerre There's no doubt that animals are conscious of death, but that's not religion just because humans seem to think they own the space...

@lednaBM @Cubelet a hypothesis doesn't require any evidence. It is speculation. But my neighbor's dog tried to baptize me so that's pretty convincing to me. And he likes wafers.


@lednaBM @Qbitzerre I mean technically a hypothesis doesn't require supporting evidence since it's just an idea that needs to be tested, but I understand where you're coming from (I believe). It does have to be a statement that can potentially be proven false which my joke about whale religion does not possess.

@Cubelet @lednaBM I think Captain Ahab had a more engaging perspective. And that Jonah dude probably pondered it...


@Qbitzerre @lednaBM no. At least as of when I took that class there hasn't been a reason the scientific community has agreed upon for why whales beach themselves. I don't know if any new info has come to light. It's been over a decade.


@Cubelet @Qbitzerre @lednaBM

A hypothesis not based on anthropogenic beliefs in magic based death cults would be that many species go off to die when they sense their time is up.

Whales do this by beaching themselves, which is why many beach again after being rescued and put back in the ocean.(A lone whale beaching should be left alone to die in peace, imo. Not traumatized and terrorized by hordes of ppl interfering with it's last moments on earth.)

Mass beachings are probably caused by human activity in the ocean; blasting, sonar, swimming thru pockets of extreme pollution - which sickens or harms most of them in the pod to a fatal degree.
Human activity in the ocean can also disorient whales, which depend heavily on their sonar abilities.

@Cubelet @Qbitzerre @lednaBM

A hypothesis not based on anthropogenic beliefs in magic based death cults would be that many species go off to die when they sense their time is up.

Whales do this by beaching themselves, which is why many beach again after being rescued and put back in the ocean.(A lone whale beaching should be left alone to die in peace, imo. Not traumatized and terrorized by hordes of ppl interfering with it's last moments on earth.)


@lednaBM Of course. Remember all the other species they have invented automobiles, computers, spaceships, railroads.


"This is the reason why the doctrine of plurality of wives was revealed, that the noble spirits who are waiting for tabernacles might be brought forth."

#Spirit #Pride #LDS #Mormon #Young #Lion #Spirits #Possessed

of nothing
@lednaBM how are those 500 species doing right now?

Oh? Getting brutally oppressed by the single religious species? Enslaved? Devoured? What a shame. I guess non-reproductive simulations of sex acts aren't as useful as religion.
climate voter/bike supremacist

@lednaBM Cats are spiritual but perhaps that is not what you mean by religion.



What people seem to forget is that every religious book there is, the Old Testament, or New Testament, the Qur'an, etc. they were all written by people!!!

Not one word in the bible was written by Jesus himself.

That's why the Catholic Bible has 72 Books, the Protestant Bible contains 66 books & the Old Testaments has 45 Books.

Yet they are all called The Bible.

There are also other books like the Apocrypha including the book of Enoch which are not recognized by some Historians.


@lednaBM @KayJanes
Also a good point? The spike in grindr app usage at Milwaukee during RNC. The Republican party's convention... aka the party of family values and against LGBTQ. The irony is unmatched, much like their aging orange clown's lie counter--off the charts.

Kamala Harris should suggest a mop and bucket for GOP to clean him off the floor once she's through with him in their debate. Career member of judicial system vs career criminal? Oy... he's toast.


@lednaBM I dunno, I think my dog might worship me...

Droid Boy :coolified:

@lednaBM Beides ist übrigens ein Fehlschluss: Das die Natur vorgibt was wir tun sollten und das sie das nicht tut :)

@lednaBM except they are. Many species burry their deads.

@lednaBM @pandanus Religion? Against nature? On the contrary there are many hundreds of religions that are based entirely on the reverence & worship of as well as protection of nature. Shintō, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, & many hundreds of indigenous religions for example.

I think you mean the Abrahamic faiths, which do not define all religions.


@lednaBM @pandanus On the topic of homosexuality, Buddhism has nothing at all to say on the topic. It’s just a part of nature.

Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC

@lednaBM You know, back when most people worked on farms and everybody knew that there is a lot of homosexual behaviour among animals, the priests and preachers didn't talk about how homosexuality was against nature, they talked about how nature was sinful and ruled by Satan, and how humans need to subjugate and purify nature.

DJ Bambi (Eoin)

@lednaBM A conversation I had on my now-deleted Twitter account...


@lednaBM I'm beyond practicing it. I'm sure I'm at a professional level now. These other species better step up their game


we should know that appeals to nature are a fallacy by now honey

just because something is evident or not evident in the natural world does not speak to its morality

ultimately this appeal undermines a position more than supports it

Jasper 🍉

@lednaBM i don't think we know what for instance whales think, so that's not 100% sure.

Wendy M. Grossman

@lednaBM Should you need evidence to back the claim that animals pracicce same-sex coupling, I commend to you this book review, which is both factual *and* one of the funniest things I've ever read, by Susan McCarthy:

Pascal Wicht 🇵🇸


Same-sex sexual behaviour in animals is widely observed but historically under-reported. The analysis, led by anthropologists at the University of Toronto, concluded that 77% of researchers working across 52 different species had observed homosexual activity, but only 19% had published on it.

Григорий Клюшников

And in general, "against nature" is a bad argument. Nature does not deserve respect. It is also responsible for everything bad that happens to us, including diseases and cataclysms. It can be said that medicine and even hygiene are "against nature" too.

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