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Cheshire (Alicja, Oddtail and Mosse)

It will never make sense to me that there are parents, spouses, siblings, "friends" who want to control their close ones so much they'd rather see their alleged loved one dead than let them transition.

And yes, often the choice is that simple. Cis people truly don't get it, but maybe that's why you should fucking listen to us speak once in a while.

If you're cis or have a lot of cis friends on here, consider Boosting this post. It's my experience that sometimes it takes reading a simple truth put simply to fully internalise it's true.

Cheshire (Alicja, Oddtail and Mosse)

And the absolute most infuriating thing is when cises "mourn" the "death" of the close one they'd thought was cis.

Fuck off with this shit. You don't mourn the death of your straight friend when she comes out of the closet as a lesbian. Do you.

Think about what you're saying by "grieving" the death of a painful, exhausting, personality-killing, joy-of-living-destroying LIE.

And then maybe don't say it?

L.J. is the cis Minipang

@oddtail Ugh why are cis men

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