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Dr. Quadragon ❌

уже 15 человеков лайкнули пост выше, четверо ответили, и ни один до сих пор не показал своих котечков

ето что такое я вас спрашиваю! а ну-ка быстро живо все шлите мне котов

Listens to Baroque while coding murder.exe :newt:
@ZySoua @drq the reason DRM exists isn't to fight piracy. That's just an excuse, numerous studies have proven that piracy does not harm media sales. DRM developers are well aware of this.

DRM is sold because

1. DRM companies give kickbacks
2. DRM is a fun legal way to fight competition
@ZySoua @drq the reason DRM exists isn't to fight piracy. That's just an excuse, numerous studies have proven that piracy does not harm media sales. DRM developers are well aware of this.

DRM is sold because
Dr. Quadragon ❌

I remember the time when Photoshop would run on Wine just fine.

We're trying to give you money, you idiots.


@Chia другое дело ядерные реакторы НАСА!
Там всё высокотехнологично — там элементы Пельтье! (Главное не смотрите на КПД. НЕ СМОТРИТЕ НА КПД!!) зато как это эпично выглядит!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Yeah, I've been up and down,
I've been through hell and back
I've had my share of drama, baby, please cut me some slack
I know you wanna get through to me, but I am my worst enemy

Dr. Quadragon ❌

There's a difference between "being conservative" and "being a conservative".

The former meaning "honouring traditions and customs" or just "generally sticking to time-proven solutions, to what works", and the latter meaning "behaving like a reactionary jingoistic twat".


@drq у меня тут заваривалась добротная шутка про то, что последний скорее не conservative, а preservative, что смешно играет с переводом "консервант" и намекает на презерватив, но завернуть это в органичную шутку сходу не получается.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

By the way, I'm conservative regarding lots of stuff in my life. I'm basically a creature of habit.

Vint Prox

@drq Sounds almost like being productive vs. being a product!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ich hab mir über die letzten Wochen viele Gedanken zum Thema „Sharing im Fediverse“ gemacht. Das Thema kommt zwar immer wieder und scheitert dann auf die immer gleiche ähnliche Weise, trotzdem (oder vielleicht gerade deshalb) fasziniert es mich seit jeher.

Als gestern dann auch noch @stefan mit seinem „Fediverse Sharing Button“ um die Ecke kam, dachte ich: Der perfekte Zeitpunkt um die naheliegendste Version eines „Share-Icons für das Fediverse“ vorzuschlagen!

Gebt es zu, die Idee ist grandios (nur die Idee, nicht die Umsetzung)!!!


Ich hab mir über die letzten Wochen viele Gedanken zum Thema „Sharing im Fediverse“ gemacht. Das Thema kommt zwar immer wieder und scheitert dann auf die immer gleiche ähnliche Weise, trotzdem (oder vielleicht gerade deshalb) fasziniert es mich seit jeher.

Als gestern dann auch noch @stefan mit seinem „Fediverse Sharing Button“ um die Ecke kam, dachte ich: Der perfekte Zeitpunkt um die naheliegendste Version eines „Share-Icons für das Fediverse“ vorzuschlagen!

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conor, the one and only :clueless:

@memes @chfour it probably saw the word "risk" in some source material and panicked

Wombat For Hire

@memes The AI ingested the old quote that C++ gives you "enough rope to shoot yourself in the foot" and drew the correct conclusion.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Dammit, man... Tech journalism in the name only, for it is neither.

What a clown.



> What a clown.


This is just a normal looking video, isn't really wrong about anything, except probably adding bluesky to the feddiverse. Despite it federates with us, it does so via crappy """opt-in""" third-party bridge.

He doesn't even call the feddiverse "mastodon", which is common among many real low-educated tech journalists.

IMO it is pretty nice for short introduction of the concept.

>Uses term fediverse instead of "Mastodon"
>(mostly) correctly explains what it is
>Starts with Mastodon and calls it a flagship (and most of people really love flagships above every other types of phones for example)
>Points out it is very odd indeed to switch to fediverse only to find yourself on a platform owned by Meta
>Brings up criticism of the way chosen both by bluesky and threads
>At least tried both bluesky and threads, while most of the hype-train people tends to chose only one and call it a day

>All of this in 2 minutes 27 seconds without overwhelming a normal viewer. At least too much.

The only thing bothering me is a "Mastodon is opensource Twitter" route, which fedi locals also love and use btw, while it clearly fucking ISN'T. Seriously, guys, stop comparing Mastodon with Twitter.

>Uses term fediverse instead of "Mastodon"
>(mostly) correctly explains what it is
>Starts with Mastodon and calls it a flagship (and most of people really love flagships above every other types of phones for example)
>Points out it is very odd indeed to switch to fediverse only to find yourself...

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Ссука, мне надо чинить режим.

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🏳️‍🌈 Vitalik 🏖️

@drq Он всё равно на своё место потом встанет

Григорий Клюшников

нам всем надо чинить режим.............


@drq мне нужно чинить человеколюбие

Dr. Quadragon ❌

♋️Рак: Этот день подходит для ролевых игр (как правило, смешных). Сегодня у вас праздник советского секса! Также в вашей жизни произойдет много удивительного — например сотрудники ЖКХ будут облизывать ваш пуп. Вероятны хорошие отношения со снегирями

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